Chapter 20

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The newly installed air-conditioner hummed with noisy monotony in the council office. The members sat silently around the table checking their lists of submissions while waiting for Milo to call the special evening meeting to order. With time constraints becoming a factor, the council had agreed to invite several non-members to join the proceedings, to assist in finalizing the makeup of the team that would prepare and perform the playhouse, summer theatre program. Amanda distributed cups of take-out coffee provided by The Forbidden City restaurant, along with plates of almond cookies and cellophane wrapped, mint candies. Extra chairs were squeezed around the table to accommodate the guests, leaving little room to relax comfortably or take notes. When Amanda finished her service, she returned to her seat next to Milo and adjusted her notebook on her lap, ready to record the minutes.

"Very well, I call this special meeting of council to order," Milo intoned with a serious demeanor. "Amanda, would you please record that this special meeting is strictly for discussing the playhouse program. No other town business is to be raised at this time."

The group all watched as Amanda scribbled her furious shorthand and sat back with a satisfied smile, crossing her long legs comfortably.

"Right. Now, you have all seen copies of the play and have had a chance to study the plot and character outlines." Milo stood straight-backed, fingers in his jacket pockets, matching thumbs outside, aligned precisely. "Before we begin the more, dare I say, possibly contentious undertaking, of assigning the actors, I think we should settle the necessary, and very important matter, of support staff. Costumes, makeup, props, etcetera. Tiffany, as theatre chair, would you care to offer your suggestions, please?"

A hurried crackling of candy wrappers, and cookie plates sliding up and down the table, preceded her comments, and Tiffany took a moment to shuffle her notes and cross her legs, a maneuver that barked the shin of William Croft across the table from her.

"Sorry Bill," she smiled automatically. "We are fortunate to have the experience and expertise of council member Antonio for our makeup requirements." She reached across in front of Allen to pat the funeral director's arm, their toe-to-toe encounter at the party ostensibly on hold. "Assisting him, with hair design, is our own Serge Tressore, and his employee, Darlene King, and I believe we will also benefit from the additional help of Henry Matute, Antonio's assistant."

"Wasn't he the bartender at your place, Richardson?" Daryl asked loudly.

"I encourage Henry to diversify his career options," Antonio said, with a trace of annoyance.

"Saves on wages, I'll bet."

"Daryl!" Milo rapped the table with his gavel.

"To continue," Tiffany raised her voice to broadcast level, "Allen has recommended Ross from his store, to handle props, sound effects and music."

"The pianist?" Daryl again.

"Ross is a very capable guy, very... multi... capable." Allen looked to Tiffany for support.

"Sounds like-"

Bang, bang, bang. "Daryl!" Milo huffed importantly, "Excellent work Tiffany. Very professional. Is there uh, more?"

"The lighting is a permanent installation, almost anyone can operate the board with little training."

"Sounds like a job for Daryl," Jeffrey laughed, flicking a ball of cellophane at his neighbour.

"Yeah, well lighting is a job for bright people, Richardson."

Bang, bang, bang. "Fine, we'll choose someone for that later, I-"

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