Chapter 34

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"If I'm as good a judge of human nature as I think I am," Victoria said, settling back on the blanket where she and Nigel shared a picnic lunch, back among the trees, "I'd say we just witnessed what might be construed as a dangerous liaison."

"Mrs. Gregorio and Ross? You really think so?"

"Open those innocent eyes, Nigel, our little play has provided some very fertile ground for these people."

Nigel took a gulp of beer and selected a cookie from the tin of sweets. "By these people, I assume you mean the residents of The Pathway."

"Precisely, my dear." She lay back and stared up through the forest of leaves to the stark blue sky. "A cup of ego, a teaspoon of arrogance and a few slices of opportunity, and you have the recipe for hanky-panky." She giggled at the sky and slapped the blanket with an emphatic thump.

"Two cups of coffee in a public park do not an assignation make, Victoria."

"Ah Nigel, such a superficial observer you are. It's not how much cream and sugar there is in the coffee, it's the grounds on which the reason for the coffee is based." She broke into hilarious laughter at her comment, nearly spilling his beer.

"Witty Victoria, very witty." Nigel looked back in time to see Ross arrive, balancing three paper cups, deliberately serving Grace hers, and off handedly setting Jean's on the bench beside her.

"A rather amateurish disguise for guilt, wouldn't you say, Nigel." Victoria watched her nephew watching the trio.


"How did your lunch go?"

Several of the cast members arrived at the theatre within minutes of one another, splitting up into their individual, pre-rehearsal discussions. Allen and Tiffany found a secluded corner of privacy, between the primary and secondary curtains, at a prop card table.

Frowning at her question, Allen muttered an indelicate reply.

"Well did she say anything- oh baby, that eye looks terrible." Tiffany suddenly noticed, reaching out to touch his face.

"Don't, don't! It hurts like hell still." He gave her a forlorn look with his good eye; the other looking like it had been pulled at by a plumber's helper.

Restraining a smile, she suggested. "You'll have to get Antonio to put some makeup on that."

"This is makeup! That smart-ass Henry used something that won't wash off."

"Well I'll speak to Antonio." She turned away to hide the giggle building inside her.

"You know, she absolutely refused to apologize. Not one word of remorse. Nothing."

"Was she still hot about us... I mean our scene together?"

"No! I told you, she didn't say anything. It was like she was awaiting for an apology from me!"

Tiffany waited a beat and then said, "You know, Allen, it might be a prudent move - to get on her good side. I mean, rather than jeopardize our uhm- situation, if it's just our scene that's upset her, we can tone that down a little don't you think."

He pulled a face and scratched at the top of the table with his nails. "Christ, I'm the injured party here, Ti."

"I know baby, but... well..."

He sighed reluctantly, nodding his head in surrender. "I sup-pose."

"That's a good baby... now, what about this other scene we have."


Nigel stood on the stage looking down into the auditorium. The entire cast and crew of the playhouse filled the front row for this meeting to address any issues still outstanding, and to make the final adjustments to the script.

"Before we begin," his voice resonated throughout the otherwise, empty theatre, "I have a couple of comments and announcements to make." A few coughs and the shuffling of feet followed. "I would like to say, that during what has seemed like an eternity since we all began this project..." He paused, expecting some polite laughter, and receiving none, carried on. "I uhm, have come to appreciate, more than ever before, the immensity of hard work, courage, and dedication that is required to mount a live stage production... and I thank you for your efforts as well..." Puzzled silence. "That was a joke folks." Nigel hung his head dejectedly.

"Eeeeew!" Susan began clapping rapidly, prompting the others to join in.

"Thanks, thank you," he held up a dismissive hand, "seriously, I think you've all done a splendid job for aah- amateurs, and I use that designation in the kindest sense. I believe that what you have accomplished to date bodes well for a smashing success next Saturday on opening night." He tucked his papers under his arm and offered his own applause to the group.

"All right, a couple of announcements. Due to some unfortunate accidents - Mr. Gregorio's eye, and Mr. Lopez's cheek-I've made what I hope will be, corrective changes to the lighting of their scenes and, in the case of Mr. Lopez, a change in stage location in Act Three, Scene Two. Your new copies of the script include these alterations, but they're nothing to worry about for the other characters. Secondly, Mr. Victor Wang has generously offered his restaurant, The Forbidden City, for a post-performance celebration," a complimentary cheer rose from the group. "And - Hartley Meloncore's Fifth Dimension Catering, will be backstage during the performance with a selection of, what we will dub, calming refreshments for anyone experiencing stage butterflies." Another round of applause mixed with a babble of comments. "Okay now. If you would all take some time to give a final read of the new copies of the script, we can take a few moments to discuss any questions or thoughts that occur to you." Nigel gave them a smiling nod and exited stage right to join Victoria.

"What happened to Ramon?" Amanda whispered, leaning around Grace to gawk at the puffy bruise on his cheek.

"Oh it happened the other day when he was giving me some tennis lessons."

"Did you hit him with a ball?"

"No... a backhand." Grace turned to the glowering tennis pro wrinkling her nose.

"I'm going to have to speak to Nigel about how this scene change might affect my character," Milo muttered aloud, tapping the script with a determined finger.

"You're not even in the damn scene for Christ's sake." Daryl seethed, shifting angrily in his seat.

"I have a very pivotal entrance just before the curtain, Osborne."

"The only pivotal thing you've got is the top of your head."

"Now listen here-"

"Aah blow it out your- I'll listen over there." Snarling, Daryl got up and banged down noisily into a seat at the far end of the row.

"Insidious little twit."

"Puff headed prick."

"None of this affects me, but you and Grace are in that scene, Gregg." Jeffrey held up his copy pointing to the underlined section.

"Won't bother me, Grace has the only line. I just look 'intelligently concerned', according to this." He slapped the page carelessly. "Sounds like one of Milo's brilliant contributions."

"God forbid we get good reviews, he'll want to take the damn thing on the road."

"Yeah." Donald laughed, stretching his hand in an arc before them. "Can't you see it. Milo Braithwaite's production of 'Ham That Am Ham', starring, in order of appearance, Milo Braithwaite."

The two men began howling wildly.

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