Chapter 5

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"I'm really impressed, Victoria, these are great characters." Nigel sorted through several pages of outlines she had written, based on his original concept, experiencing a sudden feeling of inadequacy.

"Aren't they though," she smiled mischievously.

"I particularly like your idea of a play about a play. It adds a satirical scope I never would have imagined."

"Phew, Nigel! I'm gonna have to find you some change for those dollar phrases you keep using."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Nothing. Listen, what I think what you should do now, is make a visit to our playhouse. Get some authentic background for your setting, you know, the layout of dressing rooms, wardrobe, props. That sort of stuff. Maybe you should even take in a performance of The Wedding Room. It's a very humorous play. It'll give you an idea about pace, and dialogue."

"That's a grand idea. Maybe I could even get backstage with some of the performers." Gratefully enthusiastic.

"Maybe you could. I've got a friend who works there, I'll see about getting you a ticket."

"Champion!" He grinned at her eagerly. Meanwhile I'm going to practice on the computer. It's amazing how much easier it is to write."

Victoria smiled warmly at his retreating back; "I'll call you when dinner's ready." The jangle of the telephone interrupted her reverie, and she rose stiffly, shuffling to the kitchen to answer.

"Victoria. Susan Ho, here."

"Why Susan, how delightful."

"Listen, Victoria, I'm chairing a small committee charged with finding a new play for our summer theatre, and I wondered if I- if you–"

"You've heard about my nephew, Nigel."

"Uhmm, well, yes I did. Listen, I know this might be an imposition, but we're really getting desperate, and since he's a- a playwright and all, I thought..."

"As a matter of fact, Susan, Nigel's working on an outline for play right now. I've been giving him some pointers, you know, based on my own experience." Victoria couldn't resist a personal plug.

"Well he certainly couldn't find a better teacher." Victoria took the receiver away from her ear, afraid the butter might run in. "So, what do you think? Is there any chance...?"

"I'm sure Nigel would be most flattered and thrilled to assist the Ashton Hills Playhouse, special committee." She grinned into the telephone.

"That's super! Why don't we get together tomorrow over lunch at Victor's, on me."

"Super right back at you, Susan. Tomorrow then. Bye." Victoria gave an imaginary high five.


Serge Tressore tilted back on one leg, resting an elbow in one hand and tapping the side of his face with his comb. "Darling, I really think Serge would be much happier with his original suggestion." He placed the backs of his hands on his narrow hips and swung his head critically from side to side, addressing the woman in the chair with his customary third person speech. "You have such a statuesque presence, sweetie, Serge feels those marvelous tresses should be down and free, not tucked up and hidden from the world."

Tiffany Osborne studied herself in the salon mirror, looking across to her friend with questioning eyebrows.

"I think he's right, darling. Piling it up on top like that just makes you look so- so... Mardi Gras."

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