Chap. 16 The X Chained X Spider

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"Uvo's not coming back till he gets back at that chain user..." Phinks sighed exasperated.

"But.. You guys did get him back?" Ruby asked half heartedly not actually caring for Uvogin.

"Yes but not technically sense he had a blow to his pride and won't come back till he feels he's regained it." Shizuku's squeaky voice said.

"Shalnark's helping him look for the Chain user right now." Machi said.

'The Chain User...'

I stayed silent the whole entire time. I found it impressive that Kurapika captured Uvogin. More so that Kurapika was alive. But I couldn't imagine the pain he must've felt these past 5 years. He is hunting down the Troupe. But that would mean.. I touched my side in attempt at my slider tattoo.

'He most likely will kill me as well... And I don't doubt he could.' A faint smile formed on my lips. '...but I know he can't.'

After a few hours, Shalnark came back in a nice suit, from posing as a Mafia member, and Franklin followed after him.

"Uvogin went after the Chain User. He probably found him by now." Shalnark said.

"He let us finish the beer." Franklin said dropping a load of beers on the floor. While Uvogin was fighting the Shadow Beasts, one of them implanted leeches inside his body that would kill them after they hatched inside his bladder. Gross yes but smart.

"But I'm pretty sure he drank enough so that the spotted leeches will be out soon." Shalnark said with a smile. He always has a smile. Yet he was definitely one of the most cold hearted out of the Troupe. Although he seemed like an innocent young boy who was happy, it was the little things that showed he was cold hearted. He was a Manipulator. His "antennae" we're the small needle like objects that had bat wings on them that he used to control people. But every time he controlled someone he called them toys. When they died, he said they got broken. How odd it is of how someone can look so kind and be so terrible. I smiled. I'm no better.

But Ruby, who was actually kind, but angered easily, liked him. He was intelligent and a decent fighter. I used to size him up in question of whether he was good enough to be in the Troupe and he definitely was.

"So how long do we wait for him to come back?" I asked.

"Ah. For how many places there was it should be a short search and an easy process. For the fight... Let's say at most 6 hours. At most." Shalnark deducted.

"Hmph." In my head, I honestly hoped that Kurapika would win.

After those 6 hours of waiting, Uvogin had yet to return. I had fallen asleep on Hisoka's shoulder and I woke up with a start and looked up at him. He had a sadistic smirk plastered on his face and I looked away fixing my ponytail.

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