He is Gone

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       On hearing what the doctor said,it felt like my heart dropped.I was afraid to ask who he was referring to. "But doctor who are you talking about." Fauz's mother asked.

     "The old man...he is the one we couldn't save...I am so sorry for your loss." The doctor said.They all started to cry.Mum and my brothers. I sat still.I cried inside.It felt like my heart was being pierced with an arrow. It was just so painful.

  "How about my son?Why are not telling me my son's health?" Fauz's mother asked.On hearing that I turned to the doctor and asked the same.

"You just heard your father passed and all you care about is that stupid boy.You are the one who is supposed to die and not father." Yusuf said angrily.

"He is recovering. He only got few injuries." The doctor said before walking away.

   They finally allowed us to see dad's body.He was covered with White cloth. I never imagined I will see him like this.lying.life less.His face was all glowy.I tried being strong. I held my tears.I knew he wouldn't be happy seeing me sad.
The thought of not seeing him around burnt my heart.I just couldn't take it.Seeing my mum cry and my brothers it was something so rare...like how it rains in the desert.Seeing them cry made me more sad.I left the room.

   Soon my dad's body was going to be prayed on.They prepared him.Washed him.Then a white cloth was wrapped around him.He was ready to be prayed on.

      It was so often seeing dead bodies being carried or prayed on,here in Somalia that I forgot it could also happen to someone I loved so much.
    This were my last moments with my dad.I would not be able to see him being buried. Our religion never allowed women to go and burry.After jannaza prayer was conducted, the men were set to take and burry him.

   I took the last glimpse. Though I wasn't able to see his face well.
Soon.They left.

  We went back home.Everyone went to their rooms. I stood still at the front door.Now was the best time to cry.As much I wanted. "Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life!Why?God why him?" I questioned.
   Two days since dad died and it felt like as if it had just happened. I didn't see any of my family members since I was in my room the whole.
I got up to go see Fauz at the hospital. Going down stairs was a huge task.Soon I was driving my way to the hospital.
   The nurse showed me his room. I went in.He was fast asleep. Before I knew his mother entered yelling.

"Are you not satisfied?Huh?"
I didn't understand her."Madam what are you talking about? "I asked.

" You made my son crippled. It was because of you and that father of yours!"She said.
"But the doctor said he was fine.How come..."
"Oh please get out!" She shouted.
That made Fauz get up.
"Fuaz,my love..." He stopped me with his hand as I moved to hug him.

"Get out Nahla." He said.


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