Risking it All

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We both  stood still staring at each other. I looked into his dark brown eyes.His perfectly sculpted jaw line showed off his pretty face."Oh my God what am I thinking. "I said low enough for him not to hear.

The fact that I couldn't stop staring at him burned my mind. He then takes two steps forward.As he was about to talk,he is cut off by Yusuf."Mohammad you haven't left yet?"

At least now I know his name.He moves away on seeing my brother."Hey you! Why are you bothering my friend. "My brother asks.

I burst into laughter." Ever since when do you have friends?" I manage to ask between laughs.

I had expected he would get upset but he didn't. "He is Mohammad, he is a doctor at the city hospital. And she is my little sister,Nahla." He introduced us.

On top of it my brother addressed me as his 'little sister' which I found too sweet and weird. Things were awkward with Mohammad and my brother had to add to it.I decided to leave.

I could see how he stared at me.Mohammad had guts.No guy dared to do that when my brother was around.

I wondered what he was about to tell me before my brother interrupted. I hated staying home. It's so boring.There was no one to talk to. My mum and brothers were not an option."I'd wait for Samera to come from school."


Boring hours pass.I had enough. I dress up to at least go for stroll. Soon I am out of the house.
On remembering what my brother had said I quickly stop the car and before I knew I hit the steering wheel.

The pain was no match for my well-hatched plan. My brother had said his friend works in the city hospital and that was where Fauz was,may be he could help me.

I then start the car and drive at a supersonic speed.I didn't know Mohammad too well."I hoped he helps me." I said desperately.

I get to the main desk where nurses were."Excuse me can I talk to Mohammad? He is a doctor. "I said.

She nods and start calling but used her phone instead." I am sorry his phone is off. " She said.

I almost drop in disappointment. "But you can wait for him there." She said pointing towards a seat that was right close.

I decided to wait.I waited for about two hours which seemed two decades. I was already giving up.

I get up as I grab my purse and head my way out."Don't leave!" I heard a voice and I knew who it was.

I turned back in excitement. It was worth waiting. "What took you so long?" I asked.
He raises his eyebrow before saying, "I didn't know there was a woman waiting."

Before I let him get all weird I quickly asked if he could do me a favour. He nodded and then said, "Yeah sure."

"You remember the day you saw me crying outside this hospital?" I asked.
"Yeah,how can I forget." He said as he almost laughed but stopped on seeing my face get serious.

"Fauz,my boyfriend was admitted here..." I told him everything. "How am I involved?" He asks.
"I want you to help me see him.I want you to help me please." I pleaded. He runs his hand through his hair then he agrees.

"I know exactly what to do.Come with me." He said as he grabbed my hand.He was too quick or rather very intelligent to come up with an idea that fast.

We were in a room. He then starts making a phone call.I didn't want to question him.I stayed quiet the whole time.
As soon as he cuts the call he turns to me."You see,I just called a nurse.She will give you a nurse's uniform. So you will be able to enter."He said.

I couldn't help but think of how he was too intelligent and he even offered to help right away. The nurse came and then left quickly before handing the uniform.

"Quickly put it on before someone sees you." He said.I stood quiet. I wasn't going to change in front of him.

He finally gets me and says"Okay fine.I will turn and won't look but be quick. "
I hastely put it on.Then I told him to turn.

The uniform was too tight.Tight enough to reveal my curves.The doctor stared for a while before I snapped him back,"Hello? "
I said.

"Fine let's go." He said.I wanted to ask a burning question that I had ever since he agreed to help.

"What is in it for you? You know, by helping me?"

Somali Girl [#Wattys 2016]Where stories live. Discover now