What is waiting?

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We are waiting for something but we do not really know what. It can be anything because this wold is big. But there can also be nothing. That was I hear and wanna write, because I do not know what to write anymore. Maybe I start with a story so far in, I do not know.

But back to the the topic. Some says that everyone are born for a reason, and like a human being it is your job to find out what that may be. I do belive it, but as the same time when I am not. 

Why I think so I do not know, because it is just so for me. But I am wondering what is wating for me? Now that I have graduated I have no idea what to do. I do not know if I want to study more, and I do not wanna think about working. Just that thought stress me out. 

What I wanna do and gonna do is something I only know, but I do not know either. Usually when I say that someone says it is my assigment to find out. But where do I start? You start with doing so much mistakes that you can, or it is maybe not even a mistake. The answer to that question is something only you can figure out, by doing it.

But with I always have a problem. But the reality is that there are not a problem only you see it as one. But if you wanna know here is my problem: I am afraid of everything you might see. I maybe overreacting and I know I do, but that is my problem. Fear is controlling me when it should not, but I can not really help it. 

Like I write this chapters I always complain over something or have a problem, but the only problem is me. I am the problem, but how do I fix me that is the question. When I think about it, I have so many question but not so much answers so can someone help me. I really mean it, but I do not want your help by words. I want your help by actions. Or maybe I should just stop here with chapters like these because it feels like these is just poitnless.

But before I end this I just wanna write that everyone says to me that I can and will have a bright future. I can say that I can see it to, but only if I stop having all this problems and complains about every little thing. But my problem will not end just like that. Maybe not this month or this year, but sometime in the future I can maybe be fixed, who knows because I do not know. But there is just me who can effect it.

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