The Queen

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Queen Lynn's POV*

Why the hell did she have to come back here, everything was fine when he just watched her from afar, but now she's come back.

things have changed and you never know what could happen between them, even when they know what's forbidden, I just can't see her sitting on the throne with my son, don't get me wrong, I've known her since she's was a child but she's still a commoner and she's not exactly the right "Type" for my son.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist, our island is a island of all colors and creeds. I've seen some of the most beautiful mixed children here, so her color has nothing to do with anything. I just don't think she

I have eyes and ears everywhere.
My son really thinks he loves her, so she wouldn't be just a fling for him.
What can I do to stop this madness?
I would do everything and anything to keep them apart.

The King lifting the Royal Order by letting commoners mingle with Royalty, was not a good thing. Especially letting her come back and open her own store in the Royal Court, "For goodness sake Edward" I say out loud not being able to contain my thoughts.
This doesn't make my job any easier, especially since she has Lord Worthingtion (Sam) as friend and Business Partner.
I will see my son marry the Princess in a few weeks and no one's going to stand in the way of that, no matter how pretty she is. My son is set for a certain destiny with someone else by his side and I will see to it that it happens.
I do wonder what happened to her poor parents, I haven't heard from them since I fired them several years ago.
I know the incident that happened wasn't there fault, but I had to blame somebody.
I hope the King never finds out that I fired them and that they really didn't retire.

The things I do for my country. What can I say, I'm not always the The Good Queen people think I am, but I get the job done and now my job is to see to it that Rae does not get too close to my son. I know he likes to have his fun with the ladies, so if he wants to have his fun with Rea for now then so be it, but she can never have the throne, I'll see to that, I think to myself with a evil devious smile, "The Mad Queen" is at work again.

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