Dinner pt 2

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Ethan POV*

What has she done to me!
I don't think I can make the rest of this dinner without exploding.
She looks so damn good in that dress.
Her chocolate skin glowed in the moonlight.

I'm in heaven.
I wish I could rip that dress right off of her, but I promised her and myself that I would keep my composure and get through this dinner.
It's turning out to be harder then I thought especially when she's not backing down from me, she's so different from what I'm use to. She so head strong and independent that I can't even begin to compare her to any other girl or princesses I've dated, I love that she she speaks her mind and she's not afraid of me.
It turns me on and makes me even more excited mentally that she can have an intelligent conversation and not be afraid of me. I know that she's very well-educated but her smarts and quick wit personality make her everything I'm looking for in a woman and a Queen.
The most exciting part is that she still doesn't know how much she means to me and her presents excites me, so when she says that she could kiss me, it's all I needed to hear before I was across the table grabbing her face and kissing her so good and hard, letting her know exactly how I was feeling.
That kiss sets me on fire, I grab her face in my hands again and kiss her soft and slow, trying to control my lust, as I began to calm down, I grab her hand and lead her from the kitchen to the living room were I put on some soft music and pour us a glass of wine.
"So my love, what is it that you want to know, ask all the questions you want and I'll answer to the best of my ability".


I have a seat on his Italian leather sofa feeling good and a little tipsy. He sits down next to me with his wine, there's romantic music playing in the background giving off a air of lust and desire that comforts me in a sexual kind of way which scares and excites me, "I can do this," I say to myself.
He must've really done his research on me.
"May I have this dance Rea?"
Holding out his hand so he could take mine.
"Sure My Prince".
"Ooh, I love when u call me YOUR Prince."
I take his hand which is warm and inviting.
He pulls me close as we start to dance.
I could feel the warmth of his body against mine.
This is turning out to be everything I hoped. We dance and we laugh as he twirls me around and tells me about his early years at school when he learned how to
cook and when he learned how to fly a plane.
He continues to tell me funny stories about his childhood that give me a little insight into him. We also talk about his life's work and what he hopes to accomplish for his country when he becomes King and what he's doing now with his companies.
He's really made a life for himself outside of his Royal title. He's a billionaire in his own right without his Royal inheritance, owning several companies and running numerous luxurious hotels and resorts all over the world. He also runs several charities that work with kids. He says he loves children and hopes to have some someday.
He's a very smart man and I take quick notice of that which makes him even more appealing, I mean, with a double masters in finances he can be very intimidating to your average person, but not me, I also have two masters degrees and I'm studying for a PhD as we speak.
I guess I've met my match, I hope he's great at making love.
I blush hard at my thoughts.
listen to me, I'm acting like I know so much about sex when I haven't even had it yet. Who am I Kidding!

I'm learning so much about him, and the more I learn the more I want!
He keeps telling me I'm His and I belong to him.
I'm not even sure what that means.
I think it's time for some real questions.
I'm going to be very frank with him.
I'm going to tell him how I feel and see what he thinks about it, so here goes,,,,
"Well your highness, I say with a little sarcasm in my voice.
"What I really want to know is, why me? why have you been watching me for so long and why have you kept your distance? why have I never known until now? and what makes me so special to you?"
"I'm not the typical girl for a Prince. I mean my skin is dark, my body has a lot of curves and there's way too many women on this Island that would love to get there hands on you, plus I hear you're getting married in two weeks, what am I supposed to do with that?  I'm so confused.
The only reason I came to see you tonight, was to see if you really have feelings for me or was this just some kind of bad joke you wanted to pull off before you married the Princess.
I can't bear to give my heart to someone who's going to break it and marry another.
I don't want you to lose your crown but I have feelings for you now so I'm scared.
How far do we take this? Have
you made up your mind about marring her?
I don't know why I want you but I do. before you came into my shop I didn't know that much about you. I knew you were the Crowd Prince but I wasn't interested because I would never even think you would be interested in me. tell me why you think I'm the one for you, convince me."


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