Valgrace Headcanons

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• Oh my gods, Leo is so warm. Jason never stops touching him

• When they cuddle, Jason faces away from Leo, but Leo faces towards him.

• Leo wraps his arms around Jason and nuzzles into his back.

• Handholding like it's the new trend.

• The height difference oh my fucking gods.

• When they hug, Leo's face is always pressed into Jason's chest.

• Jason making fun of Leo's height.

• Leo's fingertips occasionally smoking when Jason kisses him because damn.

• Leo has the softest lips ever??

• Leo likes to sit on countertops when him and Jason kiss because it makes him a bit taller.

• Leo has to stand on his tippy toes.

• Short, soft kisses.

• Leo calling Jason "Sparky"

• "We're such a badass couple. Think about it."

• Leo freaking out when someone stares at them in public because it's not as lgbt+ friendly as Camp is.

• Leo being hella uncomfortable with his sexuality sometimes but very proud of it other times.

• Leo's in between bisexual and pansexual.

• Jason's bi.

• Jason whining when Leo spends more time on a machine than he does with him.

• Slow dances.


• They're both Stony af.

• "Seriously, what is this Stucky shit?!" 

• "Leo, it's just a movie."

• "You don't understand."

• Piper's hella cool with it.

• Too cool with it?

• Leo talking in technical terms and Jason being confused out of his mind.

• Jason accidentally saying, "You're so smart," which makes Leo blush like crazy.

• "Ayyye, Papi."

• "Leo, stop."

• Sometimes Leo just randomly and unintentionally talks in Spanish and Jason likes to pretend he understands. Leo doesn't catch on until he asks Jason a question and he doesn't respond.

• "You're such a blonde."

• Leo having nightmares about his mom and Jason holding him in his lap so he'll feel better.

• Jason running his fingers through Leo's hair.

• Leo clutching onto Jason's shirt as tightly as he can because he doesn't want to lose him.

• It's like dating your best friend. Pillow fights and forts for days.

• Jason can't cook for shit, so Leo always whips something up.

• Percy doesn't catch on for months.

• He's not stupid, they've just always acted like this.

• Sleepovers in Bunker Nine.

• Jason rarely ever spends time at Camp Jupiter anymore.

• Leo getting flustered when Jason calls him, "my boyfriend".

• Jason has to grab things from the top of the shelves very often.

• Leo makes a mean PB & J. Jason can go days with just eating those.

• "What do you put in this to make it so good?"

• "Love."

• Jason has a breakdown and Leo lets him bury his face into Leo's neck as they cuddle on the bed.

• Jason's hands on Leo's waist. When they're kissing, when they're just lying around, etc.

• Jason adores Leo's collarbones. Seriously. They're fucking perfect.

• Kisses on the top of the head.

• Leo randomly saying, "I love you," for the first time when they're building a pillow fort and blushing like a madman.

• "I love you too, dork."

• Cute but stupid nicknames.

• Leo demands to be called "Hunk Muffin."

• "Watch out for that brick!" (hint: there's not actually a brick)

• They hardly ever fight, but when they do, it gets bad.

• They scream at the top of their lungs and it may or may not be thundering outside?

• Percy's had to extinguish some flames from Leo's outbursts.

• Leo crying and apologizing.

• "I need you. Please don't leave."

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