How They Comfort Each Other

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(*actually adds Jercy and Perleo this time wow*)


  When Nico's upset (usually pertaining memories/flashbacks of Tartarus) Leo usually lets him have his space. Nico likes to shut people out when he's sad/angry/anxious, so Leo just sits with him and holds his hand while he lets Nico talk about it or cry it out.

  When Leo's upset (typically about his mom/Teresa/feeling insecure) Nico will hold him and tell him how much he's appreciated and how much Nico loves him. Nico will tell Leo the qualities Nico loves most about him, or sweet things in general. Most of the time, Leo falls asleep in Nico's arms.



  When Leo's upset, Jason will usually pull him into his lap and run his fingers through Leo's hair. He'll let Leo talk about what's wrong, and wipes away his tears with his thumbs when he cries. If Leo's too emotional that he can't speak, Jason will rub his back with his fingertips and softly hum to him. Leo finds it grounding.  
  When Jason's upset, Leo will usually sit in his lap and straddle his waist while combing his fingers through Jason's hair. Jason will nuzzle his face into Leo's neck and just sit there until he's ready to talk/done crying. Leo reassures him when Jason repeatedly apologizes, before they end up curled up on the bed.


When Will's upset, it's usually because he couldn't save someone in time and they died. He shuts down and stays in his cabin for at least a week, but everyday, Connor brings him meals and holds him and tries to reassure Will that it wasn't his fault, that he did everything he could.
Connor rarely gets upset, but when he does, he just lays down next to Will and stares into his eyes, trying to drown in the sea of blue. Will runs his fingers through Connor's hair and kisses his forehead often.


  When Reyna's upset, she never displays it and it upsets Thalia because she wants to know when something's bothering/upsetting her girlfriend. Reyna usually lashes out and tries to distance herself when she's upset, so Thalia lets her have her space, before reassuring her that she'll always be there for Reyna, no matter what. Reyna thanks her and Thalia kisses her forehead.
  When Thalia's upset, Reyna will suddenly go all soft and gooey and loving and curl up to Thalia in bed, spooning her to let her know she's always there if Thalia needs anything.


  When Annabeth's upset, Piper will buy her flowers and chocolate and show up with a big smile and a bunch of cheesy movies. They'll cuddle and watch them all day long, before Annabeth will open up and Piper will give her her undivided attention.
  When Piper's upset, Annabeth kisses all over her face until Piper opens up and talks about it. Annabeth then tells Piper how she thinks Piper should attempt to deal with it and then cuddle up to her. 


  When Percy's upset, he just stomps up to Jason and buries his face into Jason's neck. Jason quickly gets the memo and goes back to his cabin (or Percy's) and cuddles with him, waiting for Percy to open up. When Percy does, he listens carefully and tries to assure Percy that everything's okay and if it's not right then, then it will be in the future.
  When Jason's upset, Percy usually just curls up with him and both of them take a nap. When they wake up, Percy plays with Jason's hair and let's Jason explain what's wrong. Then, Percy will attempt to be serious, but he usually cracks a joke and it makes Jason smile.


Perleo: (I'm such a slut for this ship)
  When Leo's upset, Percy will let Leo fall into his arms and just stay there awhile, before he opens up and usually cries, so Percy will kiss his forehead and repeatedly tell Leo how much he loves him.
  When Percy's upset, he distracts himself by twirling Leo's curls around his fingers. Leo gets him to open up and lets Percy bury his face into Leo's neck as he lets it all out. Typically they fall asleep like that, both of their arms tightly wrapped around each other.


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