Sexualities Headcanons

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Percy - Bisexual

Jason - Bisexual

Annabeth - Bisexual

Piper - Pansexual

Leo - I want to think pansexual but I see so many bi headcanons so I'm like ??? pansexual Leo????? Bisexual Leo????? Which one???

Calypso - Pansexual (I'd also like to see a genderfluid Calypso tbh)

Reyna - Demiromantic Asexual

Nico - Gay

Will - Bisexual

Rachel - Aromantic Asexual

Nyssa - Lesbian Nyssa can I get a hell yeah

Jake Mason - Bisexual

Austin - Bisexual

Kayla - Pansexual

Ethan - Gay asf don't even fight me on this

Luke - Probably bi like I wouldn't even be surprised

Thalia - Homoromantic Asexual

Clarisse - I don't know what I see Clarisse as but it's definitely not straight

Meg - Aromantic Asexual (also Nonbinary Meg please?)

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