How They Propose

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  Leo is probably the most blunt person in the world, so randomly he goes, "I wanna get married."

  Nico's like, "What? Um...okay, let's get married."

  So Leo lets the topic drop until they're at an expensive Italian restaurant and he's so nervous, his hands are shaking and he's sweating like absolute crazy. Nico's asking him if he's okay and Leo's of course telling him he is, but he's having second thoughts. (Naturally. What if Nico says no? What if Nico was joking? What if Nico doesn't love him anymore?) So, before Leo can convince himself not to do it, he randomly takes Nico's hand mid-conversation and drops to a knee in front of him. And shit, he had a long ass speech prepared, but a huge smile is on Nico's face and his eyes light up and he's so beautiful and distracting, Leo's forgot it. So he improvises. Tells Nico how beautiful he is and how he never wants to be without him. He spills his heart out without a barrier, finally closing with, "So, Nico di Angelo, mi amor, mi vida, mi alma... Marry me?" And Nico's crying and Leo's crying and the random lady at the table next to them is crying because they're just so beautiful and of course Nico says yes and they hug so tightly, never wanting to let go, before Leo kisses Nico soft and slow and passionate.

"So where's the ring?" Nico asks after a long silence of them holding each other, and Leo pats his pockets, terrified that he didn't have it, but he feels it and takes it out, placing it on Nico's finger and the entire restaurant claps and cheers. They got a complimentary bottle of wine from the chef as well.



  Jason's typically a smooth-talking guy. He rarely ever blushes and stutters over his words when he's trying to woo someone. So why is it happening now? Leo's sitting across from him, reading the menu of a luxury five-star restaurant on the cruise they were currently taking to Cozumel, Mexico. Jason was going to wait until they were at their excursion in Cozumel, but Leo was feeling a bit blue that morning (he was missing home a bit) so Jason decided to do it now. Except Leo was humming a soft tune, his eyes flickering over the menu. They were turning a soft amber color in the light of the candles set on the table, and he looked absolutely stunning in his dress shirt and black suspenders, complete with a bow tie only Leo could pull off.

  "L-Leo..." Jason trails off, building his confidence up as Leo looked up at him. Leo loves him. Leo wants to be with him forever. Why wouldn't he? They'd been together for years. They'd been through thick and thin together, through Leo's suicidal years and Jason's nightmare-struck nights, courtesy of the war. They were made for each other, they were soulmates, they had to be.

  "Jay, you okay?" Leo asks softly, putting the menu down to give Jason his undivided attention. Jason's heart flutters at the nickname. He's the only one that calls Jason "Jay" and the blonde is very fond of it.

  "Um...yeah," Jason chokes out, swallowing the lump in his throat. He's beyond nervous, drawing pictures on the tablecloth with his fingertips.

  "You sure?" Leo inquires, reaching a hand over the table so Jason could intertwine his with Leo's.

  "Yes, I promise," Jason assures him, a soft smile on his lips. 'Go in for it, Jason', Percy would say. 'Don't miss this chance.' 

  Jason wouldn't miss this chance for the world. Leo looks stunning, his baby blue dress shirt matching Jason's eyes perfectly, his hair neat and combed to the side, albeit a little wavy, the occasional strand falling into his face. Leo looked gorgeous in the candle light. Scratch that - Leo looked gorgeous in every light.

  "Marryme," Jason rushes out, and then curses himself in his head. He was supposed to be sweet and go on about how much he loved Leo, not be blunt. Being blunt was Leo's thing. The Hispanic boy's eyes were blown wide, his jaw dropped to his chest.

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