Perleo Headcanons

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• Forget about Stollace being the sassy couple, this one definitely is.

• Someone raised their voice and slammed their hand on the table and Percy say the absolute fear in Leo's eyes. He knew exactly what that was from.

• He talked to him about it and found out about Teresa, one of Leo's abusive foster mothers. Percy opened up about Gabe.

• They're very open and comfortable with each other.

• Hand squeezes when the other looks uncomfortable or sad or something of the sort.

• Probably one of the most playful couples, but they know when to be serious around each other.

• Percy will keep Leo's secrets until the day he dies. 

• Percy also kind of helps with Leo's unwavering feeling of inferiority, because Percy's so hot and loyal and sweet.

• Leo loves Percy's back like seriously it's so muscular and toned and wow.

• Percy likes to nuzzle his head into the crook of Leo's neck.

• Actually, Percy just really likes to nuzzle Leo.

• No one really understands their relationship, but they're fine with that.
• They pull pranks almost worthy of the Stoll's.

• Water and fire makes steam so ;-)

• They're hella childish, so tickle wars, pillow forts, and pillow wars happen almost daily.

• Percy spends so much time in Bunker 9 watching Leo build, that most of his clothes and essentials are there.

• They occasionally stay in the Poseidon cabin, but when they make out, the pipe in the fountain busts.

• Percy has to drench Leo in water sometimes because he gets so heated. < pun intended

• One time they went to an amusement park and Percy constantly asked the ride attendant if Leo was even tall enough to ride.

• Leo jumping on Percy's back to be taller.

• They joke around a lot, but know their limits and they never cross them.

• Percy's got that whole alpha male thing going on so him and Leo sometimes fight. Hormones or something.

• Their fights don't last all but five minutes before Percy's tackled Leo and is whacking him with a pillow.

• Soft, slow, deep, dizzying kisses.

• They whisper, "I love you," a lot. Especially after kisses.

• They sometimes have to get serious, and after their serious couple moments, they usually have a water gun war or a pillow fight.

• Percy bringing Leo flowers because he's a gentleman.

• The first time he did it, Leo stuttered and blushed for a solid five minutes.

• Percy adores Leo's hair.

• He likes playing with it and twirling it around his finger.

• Sometimes Percy will tuck a lock of hair behind Leo's ear and that's how Leo knows he's uncomfortable or upset.

• They were both suicidal at one point, and it's hard for them to talk about it, but sometimes they do.

• Percy's nightmares are constant and Leo just whispers sweet things to him in Spanish and runs his fingers through Percy's soft hair.

• They actually have a lot in common.

• Leo reads to Percy sometimes because of his dyslexia and Percy calms Leo's super hyper moments a lot.

• They love being around each other, because believe it or not, they calm each other down a lot.

• Percy reminds Leo of the calm of the ocean at night and Leo reminds Percy of the cool blue at the bottom of a fire.

• They just really really love and adore each other.

(A/N: Fuck I love this ship so much you don't understand. SOMEONE WRITE ME A FIC. I'll pay you 3 sheep and a spn button. Seriously they have more in common than people think? I'd think they'd go really well together. I love this couple so much you hAVE NO IDEA.)

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