Valdangelo Headcanons

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• "Glare at me again I dare you."

• Nico glaring at him so Leo tickles Nico until he's crying and can hardly breathe.

• Tight hugs.

• Comforting nightmares.

• Leo always wants a kiss.

• Leo rambling about something in Spanish and Nico kind of picks up on what he's saying because Italian is similar.

• Nico crosses his arms a lot. Especially when he's annoyed with Leo.

• Leo getting insecure and avoiding Nico sometimes.

• Awkward flirting.

• Nico always ends up making Leo blush.

• Leo whispering dirty things in Spanish. (˘̩̩̩‿˘̩̩̩๑)❤︎

• Leo has a potty mouth like no other.

• Nico set up a swear jar.

• Leo almost dying at one point and Nico absolutely freaks out.

• Despite their petty fights and arguments, they love each other a lot.

• Leo telling Nico about how him dying during the war was supposed to be a suicide attempt.

• When they hug, Nico's always the last to let go.

• Leo brushing Nico's hair out of his face.

• "I love you so fucking much."

• "That's a quarter in the swear jar."

• Awkward silences. A lot.

• Everyone thinks they're just really good friends. Jokes on them.

• Horror movie marathons in the Hades cabin.

• The movies sometimes getting to be too much and they have to turn them off.

• Watching Disney movies religiously.

• Leo's always up for Tangled. He won't admit it's because he thinks Flynn Rider's a total hottie. For a Disney character.

• Nico comparing Leo to Jack Frost. They're so different yet so alike. (Yes, he knows it's not Disney.)

• "You remind me of the bunny because you're so grumpy."

• Pecks on the lips. All the time.

• Leo's the little spoon. Always.

• Leo throwing his arm lazily over Nico's waist.

• Nico snores. It's soft and kind of cute.

• Leo has kitten sneezes.

• Leo making Nico laugh and having butterflies in his stomach.

• Leo thinks Nico's smile is absolutely stunning.

• Leo always asking, "Is this okay?" whenever they're kissing/touching/cuddling.

• "For the fiftieth time, Valdez, it's fine."

• Playing Pokemon.

• "My Absol can beat your Flareon anyday!"

• "Bring it on, Death Breath."

• Tickle wars.

• Well, Leo tickles Nico.

• One time, Nico tried to tickle Leo and it was awkward because Leo isn't ticklish and it ended up with Nico straddling his waist.

• (Not that Leo was complaining.)

• Neck kisses.

• Not in the dirty way. Leo just likes to brush his lips against Nico's neck when they're cuddling/hugging.

• Nico likes kissing Leo's palms. No one knows why.

• Half-asleep conversations.

• Literally, everyone at Camp thinks they're just really good friends.

• Sometimes Leo stays in the Hades cabin for weeks on end.

• Cheek kisses.

• "You're an idiot, Valdez."

• "Yeah, but I'm your idiot."

• They don't say, "I love you," they say, "I'm in love with you," because it means more to them.

• Nico sings Leo soft lullabies in Italian when he has nightmares.

• They don't keep secrets. No matter how awful it is.

• Leo's the loud kind of mad and Nico's the calm kind.

• Leo shaking after him and Nico argue.

• Cuddling and Disney marathons after they make up.

• Silent treatments don't last longer than twenty minutes.

• Day 271 and no one at Camp has any idea they're together. Not even Piper.

• They don't come out because they like being alone in the Cabins together.

• Leo whispering, "I don't deserve you," when Nico's asleep.

(A/N: if you read this and don't comment ships for me to make headcanons for, I will probably cry)

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