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Beyoncé woke up the next morning and the first thing she did was look at herself in the mirror above the dresser in the guest room she went to sleep in the night before. She touched around the area where her husband struck her. The area was tender to the touch. Her lip was still a little swollen there was also some bruising there shit she cursed herself for not putting ice on her lip before she fell asleep. She wasn't thinking about much of anything last night all she remembers is getting herself up from her bedroom floor then crying herself to sleep.

Shawn never went back to sleep it was a little after 9AM. He couldn't count how many times he had replayed what happened in his head. Over and over and over again. He also contemplated what he should do. He thought about leaving he felt that would make the situation worse. He didn't know exactly what to say to her either. He knew he would have to face what he did soon. He couldn't avoid her forever.

Beyoncé was applying ice to her lip when she heard her phone vibrate.

Beyoncé was applying ice to her lip when she heard her phone vibrate

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She was relieved that Kelly invited her out. She needed to get away. Only problem was all the stuff she needed to get ready was in the room she shared with her husband. She fought with herself. She really didn't want to see him but all she had to do was grab what she needed and go she didn't even have to look at him.

He watched his wife as she moved quickly through their room with a purpose. She grabbed an outfit, some make up and her toiletries. She was moving so quickly she dropped her bra on the way out but she hadn't noticed. He thought this would be the time start up a conversation with her and apologize.
He picked it up to give to her. She already had the bathroom door locked and the shower running.
He knocked "Aye, Bey you dropped something."
She covered herself with her towel and cracked the door then snatched the bra away from him and closed it back. Maybe now isn't a good time he thought to himself.

She turned off the shower dried off, put on lotion then got dressed. She made sure to put on some make up just enough to cover up the bruise hopefully no one would notice. When she thought she looked presentable she called Kelly to say she was ready. They decided they would meet at ihop.

"Morning Bey!" Kelly greeted her when she found the table she was sitting at.
"Good morning Kelly" she giggled.
"Girl you really put on your face just to have breakfast with me?" She asked referring to her make up.
"You don't appreciate it?" She joked.
"I mean I guess so but girl I didn't have the time today all I could think about was some damn pancakes." They shared a laugh.
They'd ordered their food and was half way through their meal.
"You alright?" Kelly asked.
"Yeah, what do you mean?" Beyoncé asked as convincingly as she could.
"It was just the way you're eating like your mouth hurts or something" she explained.
She may have been able to hide the bruise well but the pain was still there and apparently she wasn't doing a good job at hiding that. She thought quickly on her feet.
"Girl honestly I fell coming in the door last night you know how I get when I'm tipsy" she lied.
Her best friend looked at her strangely "I didn't think you were that drunk but okay be careful clumsy!"
They finished breakfast Kelly had to run some errands after breakfast.
Still dead set on avoiding home Beyoncé decided to go to the art studio. During her time at Columbia she had an art teacher that was very fond of her as a student throughout the years they built a relationship and she gave Beyoncé the keys to an art studio she owned. She had a lot of pent up emotions and painting could help get them out.
She locked herself in the art studio for hours. It was going on 8PM. She figured this was a good time to head home. On the way she picked up some food for herself.

Shawn fell asleep on the couch with his laptop still on his lap. The door closing is what woke him. He smelled the Jamaican food his wife brought in. She was at the island eating.
"Hey.." It was the first time he attempted to talk to his wife in hours. He didn't get a reply. He sighed and closed his laptop. Putting it on the coffee table. He decided to just call it a night tomorrow is the start of a new work week and he could use the sleep.
Not too long after she finished eating she got ready for bed too. She had to go back into their bedroom to get something to sleep in. She didn't have to move as quickly as before he was sound asleep. Still she couldn't stand the sight of him sleeping or not.

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