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"Mrs. Carter we got the blood work back and you're pregnant."
She was quiet on the phone with every thing that happened in these past few weeks she wasn't even thinking about the possibility of her being pregnant. But now that the doctor said so it made sense I mean she was late.
Fuck! She whispered to herself.
"Mrs. Carter?" The doctor asked seeing if she was still on the line.
"Yes, I'm here."
"Well I would like you to come back in so we can give you the proper care and information you need now that we know you're expecting" she informed her.
"Okay.." She was still trying to digest the news.
"The earliest I can fit you in is Friday morning is that oaky with you?"
"Yeah Friday is good" she thanked the doctor then hung up.
It was almost 8AM she figured her husband probably left for work. She didn't hear anyone downstairs. She decided to call him.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Shawn how far away from home are you?"
"I was a little late this morning so I'm only like 20 minutes away.. Why?" He asked.
"I need you to come home the doctor called."
"Is everything okay? I'll be right there" he told her.
"Just come home we should talk in person" she hung up.

Shawn busted in the door like a madman once he finally made it back home.
"Bey!" He called to her. She was still laying in bed, this should've been good news but she felt like she had the wait of the world on her shoulder. Instead of good news she felt like this was just another problem.
"I'm in the room!" She called back.
He got in the room her eyes were red from crying.
"Oh my god! It's bad isn't it?! What did the doctor say.. Are you really sick? It's not cancer is it?" He was going off on his own little tangent.
"Shawn! Shawn!!" She yelled getting him to stop worrying out loud.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm pregnant I'm not dying" he told him.
His eyes lit up. He's been waiting to hear those words for a long time.
He sat down on the bed "Are you serious?"
"Yes, Shawn she said the blood test came back and I'm pregnant."
"Wow" he was in disbelief.
"Yeah, I know how could I be so clueless?" She asked out loud.
"No it's not your fault we've had so much going on lately" he assured her.
She sighed.
"I'm taking you to your favorite restaurant tonight, do we want to wait to tell everyone?" He asked.
"Yeah let's give it a little time."

They came in from dinner that night. She couldn't help but feel a little excited seeing how excited her husband was.

Chance was on the couch playing Shawn's Xbox.
"Woah! Chance how'd you get in here?" Beyoncé asked startled. He wasn't there when they left.
"I gave him his own key" Shawn told her.
"You.. What?" She asked.
"Yeah that way we don't have to keep opening the door for him, he knows he shouldn't come in late on school nights he told me y'all talked."
She pretended it didn't bother her she didn't want to start anything, especially not today. They took a shower together and made their way to bed they had an important doctors appointment in the morning.

The doctor gave them their first sonogram the two of them couldn't stop smiling looking at it, there wasn't much to see but there was a heartbeat. She informed them they caught the pregnancy early  she was only about 4 weeks pregnant. She gave her all the information she needs and told her she should be taking prenatal vitamins everyday. Shawn had to go to work right after. Beyoncé decided not to go to work today she could use the long weekend and she'd already been out for most of the week anyway. She headed back home.

She took the time she had alone to really marinate on the situation she was in right now. She's finally pregnant but an affair with a student is dampening what should be a happy time in her life. Then she thought if whatever is going on with Chance is effecting her deep enough to get in the way of the joy she should be feeling now that she's pregnant is she ignoring the fact that she may have feelings for Chance?

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