Face Your Fear

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Previously on Redemption
Everything drifted away from reality as black dots danced upon my sight.
" I love you guys." Was all I managed to say before I drew my final breath.
My world coming to a stop.

Bree POV
Is it possible for your world to end within 5 seconds?
The answer is yes.

I watch fearfully as the exoskeleton exploded into a million shards, leaving a powerful force to spread through out the entire academy causing the lights to flicker.

The light slowly transferred from their bright vibrant colours to dim and dull colours. Silence fell over the entire academy. Only the slightest sound of the Exoskeleton dying echoed through out the room.
The hallways they echoed and groaned.

The lights suddenly lighten in colour, allowing me to gain full sight of the academy.
Mr Davenport and Douglas were pushing themselves off the ground from the sudden explosion, making sure Thomas and Sasha did not escape.

I glance around the academy.
Everything destroyed. The hydro-loop badly damaged and the students scattered around the floor slowly stirring awake.

Adam helped me to my feet, his face covered in bruises from the battle. Leo slowly stood up clutching his head in pain, while limping towards us. A piercing silence filled the room leaving everyone frightened and expecting a single word to escape the mouth of someone.

" Chase" a hush voice called, breaking the time that had frozen.
My eyes widen at the sound of his name. The memories flooding back through my mind of the battle.
"Chase....." I call out, my voice cracking through shaky breaths

His name was nothing but an echo through the entire academy. My heart quickened in pace at the thought of him really being gone.

" NO,NO, NO, NO." Mr Davenport stuttered, pacing around the broken fractures of material searching for Chase.
We all quickly  scatter across the room hoping to find Chase. Somewhere. Anywhere.

" Bree are you ok? " Leo asked resting his hand on my shoulder.
I shake my head, my nerves growing by the second.
" No I'm not fine. Chase is probably on the verge of death right now and....and he just saved us....and."
" Shhhh. Bree remember what you told me. If we surrender into the doubt we will be battling against ourselves not the enemies." Leo comforted embracing me in a hug.

I release a deep sigh, knowing he was right.
" Thanks Leo." I whisper into his ear, feeling Adam embracing us both in a hug.

" Guys I found him." Douglas cried
We quickly break apart rushing towards Douglas. He crouched down next to Chase, resting his hand against his neck.
He moved his hand around several times trying to find a pulse.
Mr Davenport rushed over to Douglas pushing him out of the way. I could tell he was worried by the way he gasped at the sight of his son.
So pale. So lifeless.

Adam held Sasha and Thomas in a firm grip, securing their arms behind there backs while the other students crowded around, ensuring they didn't escape.

I couldn't find the words within myself to ask whether or not he was ok. It was like my words were being strangled by the worlds worst enemy.

Mr Davenport picked up Chase's limp hand placing 2 fingers on his pulse line, only to shake his head in disappointment. I could already see the flow of tears about to flood down his face. I could even see his hands trembling as he touched Chase's body. It was almost like there was a force preventing him from even laying a finger on him.

He squeezed his eyes shut, once again resting his hand on Chase's neck. I could feel the warmth of my tears burn my eyes, and I couldn't help but to think that this was the end. Nothing could save me now from the soul crushing fear that he may be gone.

" No, please no Chase you have to wake up please. You can't die on us, you have to stay." Mr Davenport choked out shaking Chase's shoulders roughly.

I crouched down next to Chase. His lifeless body remaining limp and paralysed in a world trapped in time and engulfed in an eternal darkness.
" This can't be happening!" I stutter resting my head on his chest, hoping to feel a single movement in his chest or the slightest sound of him breathing.

Adam and Leo crouched down next to me. I sob uncontrollably into Chase's chest knowing that my fear had come true.
He was gone.

Adam bowed his head down the entire time. I could hear sobbing that escaped his lips and could see the drizzles of tears dripping to the floor.
My vision was blinded by my tears that welded within my eyes. It was almost like my heart was crying as well, as it ached in a indescribable pain.

No one spoke. Not the slightest word escaped a single soul. Only the shaky breaths of everyone repeated through the space.

The students gathered around Thomas and Sasha, still being held in a firm grip.

Mr Davenport raised his head up, his eyes furrowing and his fists clenched. He stormed towards Thomas, almost like he was about to kill him before he stopped dead in his tracks.
" Yo...You did this." He growled. Anger flaring through his face as he cried red tears of rage.

Thomas remained quiet. His smug grin only continuing to grow at the sight of us all weeping.
He released a deadly chuckle making me want to punch him, but Adam had already escalated himself to doing the honours himself. He stumbled back slightly at the sudden movement, but hardly seemed phased.

I grip onto Chase's hand glancing between my lifeless brother and the brawl that was about to begin.
" I didn't do anything. " He stated simply

Sasha remained quiet the entire time, her head buried into her chest almost like she was crying herself.
" You guys did this to him. You killed your own son and brother. You guys never gave him any credit for anything. And to top things off his own father threatened to strip the mission leader off his badge. Now that's got to sting. I mean can you blame the boy for wanting a little credit. I can't. But you guys pushed and persisted on making him feel like trash. Unwanted, and unloved. It was his decision to take on the exoskeleton himself, not mine. You should be blaming your selves for the way you treated him." He bellowed.

" You. Killed. Your. Son" he bites back. His voice dripping with destain.
I shake my head trying to convince myself he was wrong. But he was right? If we had given Chase a bit of support and treated him like a true brother he wouldn't have felt the need to prove himself. Chase was always willing to sacrifice himself especially as mission leader and all we did was disapprove of everything he did. We provoked his death.

Mr Davenport stumbled backwards, before turning towards us leaving Thomas. His scarring face revealed traces of anger, fear, rage but above all regret.
Regret that things turned out the way they did.
Regret that he didn't show his son support.
And regret that this entire battle ended with his sons final breath.

Authors note
Is Chase Dead?
All will be revealed soon.
I have to admit it was a dark chapter, but I did base the song on one of my favourite songs.
Anyway hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you so much for all your support guys. You Guys ROCK!
Till next time

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