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Xavier was a boy whose company I'd come to enjoy. Freshman year he was also in my AP human geography class along with Luna, but I never talked to him because there was never enough time, but I do recall when I first met him.

I'd noticed him in the hallways, but never thought to make contact with him because he seemed too cool and I was the new kid that year. Although, there was a pep rally one day, but at my high school you had the option to go to the real pep rally or go to the 'anti-pep rally'. Anti-pep rally usually consisted of the people who didn't want to go to the real one or were the overflow because the other gym was too crowded.

Needless to say, not once did I go to a real pep-rally because all the people I enjoyed being with were going to the other one. Anyway, my friends and I were sitting on the floor in a little circle- I don't remember what we were talking about, but I overheard someone from another group say, "... Blah, blah, blah, butt sex blah, blah, blah..." I turned my head to see who said it because I thought it was just so hilarious! I interrupted their conversation, "Did I hear someone say 'butt sex'?" He turned around and smiled really big and then laughed at himself for having said it so loud.

The friends I was sitting with were surprised such things would slip out of my mouth, but it became a bonding moment between all of us. After we got more comfortable around each other we started cussing like sailors.

My friends already knew who Xavier was because they had gone to the same middle school, so for them to hear him say random shit like that was normal! After Xavier and I's first impressions, our two groups merged into one and we laughed the day away.

Back to sophomore year; I was going to my P.E. class. I thought for sure I would be alone. I thought I was going to be in there with a bunch freshmen. I stood with my arms crossed in the hall outside the gym where we were instructed to be. I was not enthused about having to take this class because already there were freshmen flooding the halls. I looked down the long corridor hoping that someone I knew would show up and sure enough, rounding the corner was Xavier.

I was so glad to see him, but I was too shy to walk up to him because he was with a girl that kept starring at me. I thought she looked very familiar. I didn't know this girl. All I knew was that she was standing next to my friend and she was acting very intimidating. And I also knew that unless I approached Xavier, we wouldn't talk and make friends because that's just the kind of person he was.

I thought really hard about where I last saw this girl. It was right on the tip of my tongue, so while I thought long and hard about where I knew her, I stood in the hall making awkward eye contact with her every now and then. Until it hit me. I know where I remembered her from! She was the new girl in my algebra class last year! I didn't know her name, but she was very unique looking, so she wasn't easily forgotten.

This girl is what I would call well-fed. She had really dark, short hair and she herself was short, but taller than me, and she was Hispanic.

With the information I needed to be able to walk up to the two of them, I started for them. I was very nonchalant about the whole encounter.

"Hey. Xavier!" I said as I tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh, hey!" He said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, could you remind me your name?" He asked with embarrassment.
I gasped with a slight grin and the girl standing next to him exclaimed with a harassing smile, "What?! She's your friend, she knows your name, how do you not remember her's?!"
"It's Abby! I was in AP human geo. with you," I remarked.
"Oh my GAWD! I'm so stupid, I remember now." said Xavier.
I looked over at the girl with him, "Hey? Were you the new girl in my algebra class last year with Mrs. So-and-so?"
"Yeah, I was!" She said with astonishment.
"I remember you," I said. "But I never caught your name."
"It's Genesis," she replied.

And with that, the three of us carried out our own little group conversation, discussing unimportant things. Xavier knew a couple of other people in our class, but never made an effort to hangout with them. Unless of course, the three of us as a whole decided they could be a part of the group. We were very picky about the kind of friends we wanted to be around. For instance, they couldn't be too serious- they had to be fun, they had to be a little idiotic, they had to be flawed and not afraid of 'bad words'. These people also had to be able click with everyone else and get along.

Let's just say that my social life consisted of the people in my P.E. class.

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