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Family drama aside, I was in my own little world. When I was at school I wasn't thinking about my family- I was thinking about myself as selfish as that sounds. And generally, thinking about myself consisted of: oh, he's cute, do I look good?, are my grades passing?, what is Zeke doing?, was that assignment due today?, omg... more boys...

But those thoughts were short lived when I started chatting with Genesis one afternoon in P.E. We were outside on the practice field walking laps like we usually would and everyone else from our class was playing a game of soccer. I remember glancing over at my other squad members who were playing. Xavier was being clumsy while Logan was on point playing the game. Sydney was being way too enthusiastic about the competition and Zeke was standing to the side pretending to be productive along with Roy.

As Genesis and I were walking and chatting up a storm boys got brought up again. Imagine that!

"Hey, Abby?" She asked hesitantly.
"Yeah?" I responded.
"Would you be interested in meeting someone for me?" She questioned.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Are you trying to set me up?"
"... Kinda- maybe- yes!" She said desperately.
"But why me?" I questioned.
"Because you're the nicest person of all my friends and you're really fun," She inquired.
"Really?" I asked with surprise.
"Yeah! Honestly all of my other friends are assholes," Genesis stated.
"So tell me about him." I said.
"He is literally my best friend," she said. "His name is Trinton, he's really sweet and he's been sad lately because he told me that he was lonely," she explained.
"It depends," I said. "What is he like?"
"He's goofy, he's kind, and he doesn't like wearing shoes," she smiled awkwardly.
"What?" I asked. "What does he look like?"
Genesis looked at me and thought for a moment, "Well, he's a ginger, but he's not really a ginger." She said.
"What?!" I said with shock.
"No, no, he's not ugly, he's actually kind of cute!" She continued, "Looks shouldn't matter anyways," she said with disappointment in her voice, "Will you at least meet him?"
I paused for a second to think, "Alright," I responded. "I'll meet him just to see what he's like and if first impressions are good, we'll see what happens."
Genesis smiled with a look of satisfaction.

Soon after, I asked where they could be found after school and Genesis explained that Trinton and her hangout at the front of the school in the "fishbowl".

I was nervous about this future encounter all day. So much that I couldn't focus for a good portion of my day- especially nearing the end. Once the final bell rang and school let out, I made my way to front of the building. When I arrived, I waited inside the building for Genesis to show up.

I started to worry she wouldn't be there, so I started pacing and looking at the people flooding in from the opposite end of the atrium. I glanced up and saw Genesis rushing toward me, "Abby!" She exclaimed. "I'm glad you showed up." "I'm glad you showed up too!" I laughed anxiously. She took my arm and we went outside to the stairs where we waited and I was introduced to all of Genesis's closest friends. I felt out of place, but I saw some familiar faces, so I didn't feel too awkward.

We stood outside and talked for several minutes, until she shushed me and yelled, "Trinton!" As he stepped outside, Trinton was instantly swarmed by people. I was shocked at how popular he was among everyone. When I saw him I felt my heart drop- I was terrified, yet excited about meeting him.

When Genesis yelled his name, he looked over and grinned, but he couldn't come over because he was surrounded by his friends and he was on a set of crutches. She walked over and plowed her way through the crowd of teenagers to chat with Trinton. I stood still and watched them as Genesis pointed in my direction. I waved him 'hello' from a few steps away and he looked at me with a heartwarming smile. I don't think I've ever had a worse case of the butterflies.

I wasn't quite sure what I was getting myself into. I'd never had a boyfriend! I didn't know this boy, but I felt a duty to Genesis to try and get to know him. I trusted her, she was always very loyal and never led anyone astray. She was like a mother in that sense.

When she was done talking to him, Genesis walked back over to me and I asked her what she told him, "I was explaining to him who you are," she simply stated. "I think he's interested."

Shortly afterward, I went home. Nothing exciting really ever happened at home, we were fun, yet boring people. Although later that night, I was texting Genesis from my little half-touchscreen-half-keyboard phone. I got pretty good at using that thing, but I started asking about Trinton which later prompted Genesis to ask me if I wanted his number. I wouldn't decline the offer, of course, so she texted me his number and said, "Whenever you're ready."

I was so nervous, I didn't know how to start the conversation with him, I asked Genesis for help, "What do I say? How do I start it?" "Just stay calm and introduce yourself," she advised. "Tell him I gave you his number so he doesn't get the wrong idea."

With her advise, I finally managed to send him the first text,
Hey, Trinton? I'm Abby, one of Genesis's friends. She gave me your number.

As I waited for a reply, I was narrating to Genesis what was happening. I was just so nervous I needed her support.

Oh hey! I remember you, how are you?
He responded casually.

I answered his question and we continued on throughout the night and I got more comfortable with talking to him. Once we started to wrap up the conversation, Trinton asked,

When do I get to meet you in person?

We then started discussing all of the possible locations we could meet up until we came to a consensus; we would meet the next morning at 7:45 in the fishbowl. I thought 7:45 was a bit too early, but I told my mother my plans anyways and she agreed to get me to school as soon as possible. I also wanted to fall asleep faster, but instead I went to bed feeling anxious.

From the 2nd YearWhere stories live. Discover now