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The bell to go to class rang and the hall outside the library was buzzing with adolescence. The 10 minutes I spent trying to catch up with my friends would have to resume later, after all I needed to find my classes (even though I already knew the building pretty well). I didn't want to make a bad first impression on my teacher by being late on the first day of school.

I scuffled through halls along with all the other students trying to make sure that I didn't fall and get trampled. I arrived early among my peers, but unfortunately, all the effort I went through to not be late came back to bite me in the ass. When I arrived to my pre-AP geometry class I noticed my teacher was the exact person I didn't want. An old man with a monotone voice. At this very moment I knew I was going to fail geometry. My new teacher stood at the entrance of his classroom and asked his incoming students for their names.

I walked up to him hesitantly,
"Hello," he said, "I'm Mr. Cruz. What's your name?"
"Hello Mr. Cruz, my name is Abby." I said quietly.
He scoured his clipboard several times for my name, but no luck.
"Um, yeah," he said in dissatisfaction, "I'm not seeing your name on my list. Can I see your schedule?"

When I handed him my schedule he seemed as confused as I was. His class was listed on my schedule, but I wasn't on his roster. Ugh! I was so fed up with him because no matter how much I faked patience, it wasn't enough to hold back the frustration that showed on my face. At this point, the late bell had already rung and Mr. Cruz promptly sent me to the nearest Assistant Principal to help sort out the issue. Unfortunately this AP just sent me back to Mr. Cruz's class and said that they would deal with it later.

When I returned to geometry, I interrupted my teacher's course introduction to tell him that I actually belonged in his class. Everyone stared at me with a blank expression. It was the most embarrassing moment of my day and it wasn't even 9:30am yet. Likewise, Mr. Cruz instructed me to take a seat toward the back of the room where I sat next to a boy who looked like a troublemaker.

This 'troublemaker' and I made acquaintances where he later told me his name was Ford. He looked younger, but he's actually a year older than me. I was so shocked, "I get that a lot actually," Ford smirked. He had a pretty smile, but his lips were thin and his hair was a bit like a greasers', he sometimes wore leather jackets which accentuated his blue eyes and his coiffed blonde hair. I snagged a couple of glances at Ford from time to time, but he just seemed too out of my league to even try.

Speaking of classes, I forgot what most of my schedule was... I think it was pre-AP geometry first first period, then chemistry, and after that I had lunch. Once lunch was over I would go to yearbook, and then I would end the day with Spanish III.

Of course I had other classes, but since we had block scheduling we only had four classes everyday, my other four classes would be on B days. My B day classes started with AP world history, followed by photojournalism, where I would then go to English II pre-AP. Lunch was weird on B days because I had B lunch, as opposed to A lunch on A days, my English teacher would release us in the middle of class to go to lunch. Sometimes on testing days we had to take the last lunch... C lunch. Anywho, the last class of the day on B days was P.E. I actually really enjoyed my P.E. class considering it was, you know, P.E.

All of my classes seemed the same, but as it turned out, my best friend was in Photojournalism with me! We were in the same classroom together the previous year in Journalism 1 with the same teacher- we even sat in the same seats as we used to. It was a very bittersweet moment knowing that Mandy would be there with me again, but at the same time, she wasn't on top of her game enough last year in Journalism 1 to be selected for Photojournalism.

If I may lay it out on the table, I am a very jealous person and I guess I felt like the spot should've gone to someone else. Mrs. Bell taught Yearbook, Newspaper, Youth and Government, Photojournalism, as well as Journalism 1. She was a busy lady and had very little time for slackers in her class, so I was surprised she gave Mandy another shot.

Despite my bitterness, Mandy and I were excited to have another class together. My next class was English- I was pretty bomb when it came to English, like, I read my summer reading assignment, I participated, and it was the one core class that I looked forward to. Not only that, but I was shocked to find my friend Luna in my English class. I sat next to her last year in AP human geography- not an easy class by the way.

Throughout this period of time, I was running into familiar faces left and right, but I honestly don't remember a lot of people from my sophomore year, though one name that stuck with me was a boy named Xavier.

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