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#6 here we go shît be going down get ready y'all //slightly short chapter, my apologies

Jongin's POV

"Kai? What do you think you're doing with him?!"

We broke apart at the speed of light, and I didn't know what to say. It was obvious I couldn't lie to her, she'd seen it happen with her own eyes.

"I asked you a question," she glared at me, then turning her gaze to Sehun.

"I am so sorry about him, Sehun. I hope he didn't force you to do anything," she put on a fake smile, batting her eyelashes apologetically. Sehun looked thoroughly confused, and suddenly pulled me behind him.

"Actually, I was the one who initiated the kiss, not him. This isn't Jongin's fault, don't blame him so unjustly," he frowned, holding my hand behind his back. I felt those words tug at something in my chest, and I bit the inside of my cheek. Meanwhile, Crystal looked at a loss for words.

"I-Let me speak to Kai alone for a moment, if you'll allow us," she forced a grin on her face, and Sehun reluctantly stepped into the next room. I panicked without him by my side, and willed myself not to move from my spot as she advanced closer.

I had actually agreed to date Crystal only because she drove all the other girls away. She acted kind until someone tried to flirt with me, unleashing her brutal side. Although I'd much rather break up with Crystal after seeing that side of her, whenever I tried to bring up that topic, she'd find an excuse to keep us together.

I wonder what excuse she came up with, this time?

She seemed to be holding in her anger, looking at me with glaring eyes.

"Kai. Don't worry, I'm not mad. But I do hope this doesn't mean you're planning on breaking up with me," she stopped, waiting for my answer. I furrowed my eyes brows, choosing the safest response.

"And what if I am..?" She snapped her head up, smiling evilly.

"Well, I have some interesting information for you. You're aware of Sehun and Baekhyun's relationship, all cutesy and sweet, right? Well, did you know it was all a lie?" She smirked, cackling to herself. I inwardly shivered, and decided to pretend I didn't know.

"I didn't.. But how would you know?" I looked at the ground, feeling her gaze burn holes into my head.

"I overheard them talking outside after that huge breakup scene. After they left, I followed them," she said proudly, taking a step closer. She smelled strongly of perfume.

"Fine, let's say I believe you. But why should I care?" I was getting impatient, the need of Sehun's presence was growing every second spent apart from him.

"Kai, if you break up with me, I will spread the truth about Sehun and Baekhyun's relationship to the school, and both of their reputations are going to be in jeopardy. You know they enjoy their popularity, don't you?" She paused, looking at me expectantly. I frowned, recalling the time Sehun told me how he and Baekhyun did enjoy their popularity at first. I nodded wordlessly, and she continued.

"But with their countless fans, all of them are going to turn against them after realizing the truth.
And it's going to be all. Your. Fault," she finished off by whispering by my ear. I cringed, flinching away from her.

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