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EXO and SHINee's JP comebacks tho (god, i love the beginning of Winter Wonderland)^^^i suggest you give this a listen if you like those slow but powerful songs with admirable vocals ((((:

Third Person's POV

Jongin instinctively glanced over Sehun's shoulder, worried Junho would suddenly make an appearance.
"W-What are you doing here, Sehun?" The slightly older male chewed his bottom lip as Sehun stared at him blankly.

Suddenly, without a word, Sehun crossed the short distance between the two with large strides towards Jongin, who was still on his knees. Jongin, bewildered from the sudden action, stumbled backwards (oh so gracefully) onto the ground on his butt.

Sehun was now inches away from Jongin, carefully studying his boyfriend's face with a gentle hand cupping his cheek.

"Are you hurt?"

Sehun ran his hands down Jongin's body in search for any hidden injuries, but Jongin stopped him.
"What...what are you doing?" His voice became small, eyes wide and shocked.

Sehun frowned. "What do you mean? I'm asking if you're hurt--wasn't that Junho just now? He's bad news, even I know that. I just thought he did something after seeing you crouching the way you were.." the younger paused, then smiled a bit in relief. Jongin was perplexed. "But it doesn't seem like you've been injured anywhere, I'm glad."

Jongin had no idea what to say. Why are you doing this? Shouldn't you be yelling and screaming at me for the way I've been neglecting you-- for how I've been neglecting our relationship?

The older of the two didn't voice his thoughts aloud (at least he didn't think he did), but it seemed that Sehun understood, nonetheless.

As Sehun spoke, his eyes softened and he dropped his hands to his sides once again. "I know you're probably wondering why I'm being so calm after it's been, what, 3 days since we last spoke?" Jongin winced at that, has it been three whole days already? "But I want you to know... I will always be here for you. Tao gave me vague idea of what you're going through, and I just wanted you to know that you can come to me for anything--no matter how trivial it may seem. I care about you, Jongin. For once, let me show you just how much."

Sehun was slightly shaking by the time he stopped talking, sending Jongin a broken smile.

Jongin felt devastated. He was the reason Sehun was feeling this way.

I'm fucking terrible, Jongin thought bitterly, immediately and instinctively wrapping his arms around the familiar frame, all the while whispering apologies and sweet nothings into Sehun's ear.

As soon as Jongin felt like it was an appropriate time to speak up again, he did just that. "I really am sorry, Sehunnie. This never would have happened if I just--" Jongin stopped mid-sentence to groan.
How the fuck do I explain this?

Similar to before, Sehun noticed his frustration almost immediately. He pulled away from the embrace just a bit, enough to press their foreheads together. "Does this happen to have to do with Crystal?"

Jongin swallowed, finally meeting his lover's eyes. "How did you know?"

Sehun only shrugged. "Junho's been all over Crystal ever since you broke up with her. I assumed she'd eventually take advantage of his love blinded state and start something that she can later claim to have nothing to do. Looks like I was right." Sehun grinned brightly, as if everything was perfect, when on the inside, he was dying to know the reason for Jongin's behaviour.

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