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#14 here we go~ a bit short ;-; I'm getting busier, sorry about any late updates

Jongin's POV

"Seriously? You're really doing this? Only warning you, but Jongin isn't very fond of surprises, no matter how heartwarming they may seem."

"But.. I want to do something memorable for his birthday, and I think this is a good idea. Maybe we should meet up with Baekhyun hyung and discuss it."

I slowly gained consciousness as two familiar voices argued back and forth in hushed tones (they tried). A part of me wanted to open my eyes and demand what they were talking about, but a larger part of me forced my eyelids shut, silently listening to their discussion.

"Fine, you go and ask that hyung of yours, we can set up a date. So it won't be suspicious, I'll tell Jongin that I'm taking you out for bubble tea or something, and I'll kick him out into the local dance studio. God knows how long it's been since he's gone, it'd do him some good," That was definitely Tao.

"Okay! I'm sure you'll like Baekhyun, he's a lot like you personality-wise," the second voice, which could only belong to Sehun, chirped. I could practically see the smile plastered on his face.

I think I knew what was going on, and decided that it was a good time to finally 'wake up'. I groaned quietly, fidgeting in my position. I stifled a fake yawn, blinking my eyes and pretending to be surprised to see Tao and Sehun a few feet away. They both had wide eyes, glancing at each other with slight panic. I inwardly chuckled.

"Hey guys, what time is it?" Sehun was the first to recover, standing up from where he sat next to Tao and making his way to where I was lied down.
"You're up. It was half past 10, last time I checked." He smiled, pecking my cheek. Tao, already getting used to our antics, merely scoffed and stretched his legs. I suddenly froze, snapping my head towards Sehun with wide eyes, "Did you say 10? Isn't it Friday?"

"Shit," Sehun finally caught on, and I bolted upright. "We're fucking late."


"Jongin! Why were you and Sehun two hours late?" Jongdae, who was next to an equally curious Baekhyun, questioned during our lunch hour.

Sehun laughed sheepishly, "We, uh, slept in without noticing.." Jongdae and Baekhyun didn't look like they believed him, so I spoke up.

"Seriously. We did. Tao and this one," I paused, gesturing to Sehun who was sitting to my left, "made us watch Toy Story 3 last night and I guessed we slept longer than we expected."

"Only sleeping?" Chanyeol, seated across from Baekhyun, quirked a brow suspiciously.

"Only sleeping." Sehun quickly reassured, a bit of red dusting his pale cheeks. Baekhyun chuckled at his best friend, shaking his head and turning back to converse with Chanyeol and Jongdae.

"Jongin?" Sehun had his head on his folded arms, and looked up at me with innocent eyes.

"Yeah?" I copied his position, but turned my head to face him instead.

Sehun giggled, eyes crinkling into crescents, "When's your birthday?" I paused, recalling the conversation that went on that morning while I was 'asleep'.



The next few hours were uneventful, lectures dragging on until it felt like days had gone by. I suddenly noticed my phone light up, a short message brightening the previously black screen.

sehun: jonginn I wanna ask for a favour

I quickly glanced to my right, seeing Sehun with his phone out under his desk. He still looked up from time to time, occasionally answering questions like the smart ass he was.

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