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tbh at first I didn't like lucky one, then I accidentally clicked on a live stage of them singing it, and I fell in love with the choreo and everything lmao sehun and chanyeol's parts are my fav

this is a long-ish chapter by the way, making up for the last one

Jongin's POV

It was Thursday morning, and after what I told Sehun yesterday, he hadn't argued and left without a word. He did, though, stare me down for a rather uncomfortably long time until I broke eye contact. I had heard him let out an exasperated sigh and when I finally looked back at him when he was about to leave, he looked devastated. As much as I longed to reassure and comfort him, I was held down by my guilt. That, and Crystal's hand that was, literally, heavily placed on my shoulder and gluing me to the ground. She said a few words to me after he left, but I didn't hear them. She eventually gave up and clicked her tongue, leaving and slamming the door harshly. I didn't even flinch.

I'm currently sitting at my desk in first period whilst contemplating whether or not this was the right decision.

Mr. Lee was back today and is rambling on about things that aren't as important as my thoughts.

Aren't as important as Sehun, I thought bitterly.

He didn't show up today. Nor did Baekhyun. We have our tournament in half an hour, and the team can't function without our co-captain and goalie. I tapped my fingers on the desk worriedly, constantly looking out the window.

Soon enough, the team was called down and I gulped nervously. Glancing at Jongdae, who was also looking anxious, but still managed to smile at the people who wished us good luck. We walked down to the front office together, taken aback when we saw that Sehun and Baekhyun were the first to arrive. Apart from our coach, that is. Jongdae let out a sigh of relief, immediately walking to Baekhyun and initiating in a short conversation.

He was always good at those, unlike me.

I just stared at Sehun. He looked... Perfectly normal. I mean, he didn't look happy, his normal shy smile has been replaced by a noticeable frown. But, then again, he didn't look as distressed or saddened as he seemed yesterday.

I was glad, but at the same time, I feel...

What is that,


Is that even normal? It can't be sane to want him to be sad, can it? I mean, his happiness is what matters most.. Right?

"Earth to Jongin, hello?" I was snapped back into reality by Jongdae's hand waving in front of my eyes. Muttering a quick apology, I scanned the foyer.

"Everyone's here," Baekhyun, who stood between Jongdae and Sehun, confirmed, looking at me a bit spitefully. I cringed, Sehun must've already told him.

"Good, are we ready to go, coach?" I turned to him, and he nodded briskly. He said a few words to the secretary, and told us to board the bus. Jongdae, whom I didn't get to inform about the incident that unfolded yesterday night, quickly tapped Baekhyun on the shoulder and asked him if they could sit together. He claimed that he wanted to 'get to know him better'. Baekhyun, on the other hand, looked mildly surprised, and glanced between Jongdae and I suspiciously. But in the end, he shrugged and agreed with a light smile. I paled.

Jongdae, after the game I'm going to explain all the crap you missed, then beat the living shit out of you.

Since I usually sat with Jongdae, and Sehun with Baekhyun, both of us missing our partners automatically meant we were bound to be put together. I just sighed and slumped down into an empty seat, Sehun quietly following suit. I didn't dare look at him as we waited for our coach to finish speaking to the principal of our departure. All the people surrounding us were indulged in conversation, including Baekhyun and Jongdae, who seemed to have hit it off rather quickly.

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