{Oneshot; 2, Part Four}

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Jongin's POV

"--Bring me that old computer you never threw out, there might be a few parts we can still use." Jongdae ordered, eyes glued to the screen in front of him. I quickly jogged up the stairs to the storage room, rummaging through the broken and unused furniture we kept in there, until I finally caught a glimpse of the familiar cracked screen. "There you are."

While I had my eye on it, the problem now was how to get to the damned thing. It was only another metre or two away, but the broken glass and garbage that piled around said object had me hesitating. Seeing that there was no way to weave through or around to get to my old computer, I huffed and decided to make a way.

There were a couple of cardboard boxes and less harmful items scattered about, so I slowly stepped over with the help of them and managed to get a bit closer to my goal.


I miscalculated the distance between where I stood and the next clear spot, accidentally slipping on a small pile of paper left carelessly on the floor. I braced for the impact, clutching my hands to my side in case there was any broken glass laying around.

But my body hadn't made contact with the ground--in fact, it felt like I was floating in midair.

"What?" I opened my eyes to see a pair of dark brown orbs staring right back at me. When I was met by silence, that was when I realized Sehun was carrying me in the air.

My eyes gradually widened. "Wait, what? How are you--"

My question was cut off when I suddenly felt a huge gust of wind push us both back into the hallway, and Sehun calmly set me down. I was confused, but then I recalled the tornado incident, and it all made sense.

"Thanks for helping me out back there, I'd probably be covered in cuts and bruises if it weren't for you." I smiled at him gratefully, noticing him take out a pen from the front pocket of his jeans. My eyes immediately began searching the surrounding area for paper for Sehun to write on, but I knew it was too late the moment he pulled me closer by my wrist.

"I'm going to have to start carrying paper around with me from now on, aren't I?" I mumbled to nobody in particular as Sehun wrote on my non-vandalized arm.

I quickly read it over when he seemed to be done, curious to what he had to 'say'.

I actually had no idea I could do this, but I saw you slip and my body reacted before anything else could.
What if I hadn't been there when you fell? Be careful next time.

I chuckled at his words, feeling like a reprimanded child.

I turned to him with a grin. "I will, thanks for catching me."

It looked like Sehun had more he wanted to write, but a loud and booming voice from downstairs interrupted any train of thought.

"JONGIN, WHERE IS THAT COMPUTER?!" I flinched at my older brother's sudden yell, reminding me that I had yet to retrieve the object.

"Shit, I do not want to go through that again." I groaned, taking a step back into the storage room with distaste. I was about to give up and complain to my brother that I couldn't get it, when Sehun suddenly shoved something into my field of vision.

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