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multiple changes in povs, sorry if it's a bit confusing

Sehun's POV

"Are you sure it was okay just leaving him like that?" I bit my bottom lip anxiously, repeatedly looking back from the direction we came from.

Baekhyun sighed irritably, "If you ask that question one more time, I'm going to make sure you never utter a single word ever again."

"Take it easy, Sehun, I'm sure having some time to himself will do him some good. He always complains we bother him too much, anyways. We'll be back in no time," Chanyeol reassures, leading us into a small cafe downtown. He held the door for Baekhyun and I, smiling cheekily, "Ladies first." Baekhyun slapped his arm.

"Save your old couple bickering for another time, let's finish this quickly." I pulled them both into the quiet cafe, earning an odd look from the cashier.


Tao waved us over to a table in the corner. "You must be Baekhyun and Chanyeol, nice to meet you! I'm Zitao, but you can just call me Tao, it's easier for most non-Chinese speakers," he smiled politely, bowing to the couple. Baekhyun hummed, observing the taller boy with sly eyes.

"Pretty cute.. Chanyeol, give me those fake glasses you always carry around." Baekhyun ordered, holding his hand out and waiting for the clumsy giant to retrieve the case for the object.

"Um, here," Chanyeol gave a wary look as he placed his only pair of glasses he owned in Baekhyun's palm. Thanking him easily, Baekhyun took a step closer to Tao, slipping the pair of frames onto the taller boy's face and stepping back to observe his quick work. "Not bad, you look a lot better with glasses. Wear them more often." Baekhyun nodded to himself approvingly, and Tao merely blinked, turning to me with an overwhelmed expression.

"Sorry about him, Baekhyun hyung tends to do this a lot with new people he meets. The first time we bumped into each other, I found myself dyeing  my hair rainbow," I sighed, recalling the memory with an eye roll.
"He's right, though. You look more mature with glasses, very alluring." I added with a reassuring thumbs up, showing Tao his reflection.

"I love it." He quickly turned to Baekhyun, smiling widely, "Thanks, hyung. Would you like the glasses back?" He raised his hands to the sides of his head, prepared to return them, when Baekhyun waved his hand dismissively.

"It's fine, you're already wearing them, we can always go buy another pair. Right, Yeol?" Baekhyun grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes that Chanyeol didn't seem to catch.

"But those were on sale..."

"See? Not a problem. You'd better be wearing them the next time we meet," Baekhyun winked, leaning against Chanyeol's side casually. Tao laughed at his antics, nodding happily and replying with a giddy 'of course!'.

"Are you three done? Can we get to the reason why we're all here, now?" I huffed impatiently. I dodged Tao's hand that was about to pinch my cheek with a scowl. It's not like I didn't find the scene amusing, I would just rather be cuddling on the couch with Jongin, instead.

"Right, right. Jongin's surprise party. I say we call him over and pretend we need his help with homework or something, I know he really likes this place. Then, we..."

Jongin's POV

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