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hello again~
ahh 'What If' is really helping me write this chapter, such a beautiful song ;-;



Sehun's POV

I was thankful that we weren't disqualified, considering Jongin did more than just scare the opposing team. I also thought it was very kind of Seungri to do that for us.

"Sehun, hurry up!" Luhan called from the bus window, making me snap out of my thoughts. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked towards the vehicle, replying with a short 'sorry' once I was inside. My stomach didn't hurt as much after YG's nurse gave me a few pills, but whenever I bent over or touched it, it would sting like a bitch. I noticed Jongdae and Baekhyun already seated next to each other, and I chuckled lightly to myself when Jongdae pushed Baekhyun off the seat. Baekhyun almost punched Minho himself, if it wasn't for Jongdae holding him back. After the game ended, he ran towards me and brought me to the infirmary, scolding me all the while. Not realizing I was just standing there and smiling to myself like an idiot, I suddenly felt a tug on my sleeve.

It was Jongin. He looked up at me with a blank expression, before scooting over to make space and patting the spot next to him. I slowly sat down, wincing from the pain that shot through my abdomen when I was fully seated. Jongin threw me a worried look, carefully hovering a hand over my lower stomach.

"Does it hurt?" He caressed the bruised area over my clothes, and I was surprised when I didn't feel any pain.

"A bit. Definitely better than earlier, though," I bit my lip, readjusting my position so I'd be more comfortable. My eyes began to droop.

"I'm tired," I mumbled, barely opening my mouth to speak. It's been a long day, everyone must be exhausted.

"Luhan hyung, tell Jongdae he's annoying,"

"Shut up, Baekhyun, I'm an angel,"

"YAH! Don't touch me! I don't know where your hands have been!"

Well, almost everyone.

I rolled my eyes, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I tried to fall sleep. I really did, but there were so many bumps on the road, my head wouldn't stay in one place. I groaned, feeling a headache coming on. Jongin hadn't said anything for a while, he must've fallen asleep.

My thoughts proved correct when I felt a weight land on my shoulder, soft hair tickling my neck. I glanced at Jongin's peaceful expression, feeling myself smile at the sight. His face was completely relaxed, making it extremely difficult for me not to kiss him right then and there. Only slightly giving in, I leaned closer and placed a quick peck on his forehead, giggling when he momentarily scrunched up his face. His cheek was squished against my shoulder, and I thought it looked adorable. Unable to stop myself, I leaned in a second time, this is a one-time-only thing, he just looks too cute.

I captured his lips gently, praying he wouldn't suddenly awake from my action. God, his lips were so soft, I could do this all day.

"Were you planning on making out with me while I was asleep?" I suddenly froze when I felt him whisper against my mouth, his sudden husky voice making me pull away. He was staring at me with a brow raised, and I felt my cheeks redden from his gaze.

"I couldn't help it? You looked cute, okay?" I huffed defensively, turning my head so he wouldn't see my blush. I heard him sigh, and he carefully grabbed my chin to make me face him. We locked gazes, and I watched as he looked around to see if anyone was focusing on us.

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