{Twenty-Two} [F i n a l]

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fuck that messed with my feels--video creds to the owner! this song is sad by itself, but the lyrics are just thAT MUCH more depressing shit fml

this is the last chapter omg

Third Person's POV

Jongin stuck to Sehun like glue for the remainder of the day.

"Hey, how was school--" Tao blinked at the additional presence. "Sehun?!" Tao rushed forwards to tug the younger into a tight hug. "Why are you here? I thought--"

"I explained." Jongin interrupted, then frowned. "Sort of. We're heading out to a cafe, though."

Sehun giggled into Tao's shoulder, patting his back a few times before pulling away with a smile. "Don't worry, I'm not letting him out of my sight until I get everything."

Tao agreed heartily. "Stubborn, eh?" Jongin snorted at that, he knows how stubborn Sehun could be all too well. "Good plan. I invited Baekhyun and Chanyeol over, and Jongdae was already going to visit tonight, so be back by dinner. We can have a movie night or something, order pizza. Just us friends."

Sehun nodded enthusiastically. It would be a rare moment, considering their schedules don't always fit together.

"Sounds good. We'll be back in an hour or two, then."


"One chocolate bubble tea and a regular milk tea?"

"That's us, thanks."

Sehun dragged Jongin to the corner of the small cafe, where a small table sat, secluded and far away from the rest. They sat down and focused on their drinks for a few minutes, making small talk about recent classes and stupid things their friends did.

Sehun set his drink down lightly. "So, are you going to tell me the rest?"

Jongin chewed thoughtfully on a piece of grass jelly, wondering where he should start. "How about you ask me any question, and I'll answer as truthfully as I can in full detail." Sehun looked satisfied, so Jongin nodded for him to ask his first question.

He played with his straw a bit. "When did Junho first approach you, and what did he say?"

Jongin had to think for a moment, "3 weeks ago? A month?"


"Hey, you."

Jongin ignored the voice, thinking it was directed to someone else. But then, "I'm talking to you, Kim Jongin."

Jongin startled, turning sideways from his position at his locker to look at the speaker. People rarely called him by his real name unless he was close to them. "What?"

The latter rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "I'm here to give you your first warning."

Jongin was confused (and maybe a little weirded out). "Excuse me?" Thinking it was a prank of some kind, Jongin went back to rummaging through his locker in search for space to insert his math textbook.

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