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The sense of deja vu was shocking.

Wind was rushing past one of my cheeks, freezing it slightly with its cold caress. My other cheek was rubbing against the warm fur of a werewolf. It shifted against my cheek rapidly but it wasn't uncomfortable. The fur beneath my face had started to swirl slightly, meaning I'd been here for a while.

I could feel that I wasn't in my dress anymore. Someone had dressed me in a pair of sweatpants and a wife beater. Slightly concerning since I know that the wolf that took me was male, but at this point most of my guards had seen me naked at least once, what was adding another wolf to that list going to hurt? After all, the person I was strapped to was probably going to be my guard for a little while. 

It was still hard for me to open my eyes, but I managed and started to watch the trees rushing past my face. 

A scrawny brown wolf was running beside the wolf I was strapped to. Unlike the wolf I was riding however, this other wolf had an obvious issues taking care of its self. It wasn't just that it was skinny, the fur was streaked with a mixture of blood and dirt,  and she had more knots than I'd ever seen in werewolf fur. 

The way she moved was unusual. I couldn't really point out one thing that was wrong with the way she ran; it was just off. There was something erratic, almost crazy, about the way she dodged trees and jumped over bushes. She would wait until the very last second. Almost as if her brain didn't comprehend the fact that she shouldn't hit it until it was inches from her face. I couldn't say there was definitely something wrong with her, but I had a feeling she was slightly insane. 

She looked over at me and yipped, letting the wolf beneath me know that I was awake. 

He didn't move faster when he knew that the drugs had worn off, and I got the distinct impression that he thought the danger was behind him. Chasing him, not strapped to his back. He didn't move faster when he knew that I was awake because he couldn't. He was already going as fast as he could because he thought he was being chased. 

For once, as I moved away from those that had held me captive my whole life, I wanted them to chase me. I wanted them to hunt me down and take me back to my tiny room in the HMH.

I may have been trying to get away from them my whole life, but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. I was being taken again, but this time I had no guaranty that the people taking me wanted me alive. For all I knew they would kill me when they found out that I have authority problems. In fact, that seemed highly probable. 

It's what I would do if I had a useless prisoner that didn't like a cage. 

After a minute, he started to slow down. 

A man stepped out from behind a tree with a rag in his hand and the wolf I was strapped to skidded to a stop in front of him. 

"Looks like our estimations were slightly off. She woke up just a little too early. We'll be better about it next time," he said before walking over to me and pressing the rag over my mouth and nose. 

I tried not to breath it in, but that's really hard when the affects of the drugs haven't completely worn off.

It's not like I could have gotten his hands away from my face anyway. My hands were tied behind my back, and I wasn't flexible enough to kick him anywhere that mattered while my body was strapped to the wolf. 

"Don't worry, Rose. We just need to keep you under until we can get you to our boss. He'll explain everything," the guy said, stroking my hair awkwardly. 

He was probably trying to be comforting, but he was too robotic for that. More like he was greeting a business associate that he really didn't like but had to get along with, or when Grace tried to comfort me as a child. 

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