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I couldn't get the kidnapped dragon out of my mind. He or she was taken from a loving home and put in the supernatural version of an HMH. The poor thing probably felt scared and alone, and more than either of those feelings, they probably felt trapped. I can't imagine what they had to do to some of the supernatural children to make it so they couldn't escape. It couldn't be too awful or their matches would be pissed when they found out but I'm sure drugs and a more physical kind of chain was in use. 

The way I felt when I was first put into the HMH started to run through my head. 

My sense of right and wrong was telling me that I should go get the baby dragon and take him or her back to the mama dragon. 

Grayson showing up didn't help to distract me at all either. If anything he reminded me how bad some people were treated at the hands of the werewolves. Which made me want to go rescue the baby dragon even more. I couldn't leave a child to that when he had a loving home that I could return him to. 

On the other hand, I had responsibilities here. I had to care for my pack and make sure anyone coming from Jambres's pack felt welcome and secure. 

I deliberated for a full week after Grayson showed up on my doorstep, but eventually I asked my boss when I can take my vacation time. My excuse? Family problems that needed my attention as soon as I was able to get away. Technically true since I never said they were my family problems and if I waited too long I might have more trouble tracking the little flame down. He told me I could leave whenever I needed to. There was still some fear of the elves murdering him and his whole family in the response but for once I was grateful that my employer was terrified of the elfin people. It was being quite useful.  

There was just one or two more things I needed to do before I was ready to go. 

I was writing my note to Eros when Sora slipped in through my open window. 

"You called," she said with curiosity. 

Spinning around in my office chair I gave the traditional greeting to Sora before asking, "Did Maple ever say how old that dragon was?"

"She did not," Sora replied with confusion etched into her graceful face. 

I looked her in the eye and asked her with all seriousness, "Do you want to find out how old the little fire was? I personally would love to ask the kid."

"What are you suggesting?" Sora asked with a slight grin starting to form. 

"I can't stand the thought that the dragon is missing her child so much," I admitted with sorrow, "I know that I can't break everyone out of the HMHs and whatever that poor kid is being kept in, but I'm going to get the dragon her baby back."

"That sounds like a beautiful distraction!" Sora cried with joy in her eyes, "What's the plan?"

"First, we're going to need some transportation. I don't have any way to travel that far except my own two feet and I don't want to do that to the little dragon, besides that would take far too long. If you've got something we can use, then I'll handle the rest."

Sora thought for a moment, "Do you know how to ride a griffin?"

I shook my head. 

"Do not worry, it is not difficult," Sora said with a smile, "When do we leave?"

"I was hoping we could leave tonight," I told her glancing at the clock, which was glowing with the number 2:00 and small letters that said AM,  "I just finished packing what I think I'll need and writing my note to the boys," I replied looking at the note. 

"It would be an honor to accompany you on your quest to retrieve the dragon kit," Sora said formally with a slight bow, "Will anyone else be accompanying us?"

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