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 Eros' POV

I looked at the device in front of me with confusion. I'd never had to carry my own gear before, and as a consequence I never had to learn how to wear the backpack. 

People are looking at us, my wolf said as I tried to pull the wolf-pack on. 

'That's really unfortunate isn't it? I asked him with sarcasm, I wish I could do something about that but currently, I'm a little occupied.' 

Falcon's looking at us like we're an idiot. 

'That sucks,' I said without really paying attention to my wolf.

We look weak, my wolf said a little sadly. 

'We can fix that later,' I replied finally realizing why he was pointing out the obvious. 

I looked over to Falcon who was getting his straps checked by one of the guards. He whined a little and bumped the guy's leg with his head before looking at me. The message was clear. The guard walked over to me and started to show me where all the straps went. I quickly did as he instructed before shifting into my wolf and letting him tighten all the straps. 

When I was finally all geared up I went to join the rest of the wolves, who were waiting at the edge of the forest. 

Falcon gave me an impatient look before raising his head. He let out a long howl to signal that it was time to go before dashing off into the woods with his nose to the ground. 

'I don't know why he can't do this alone,' I commented to my wolf as we started to dash through the forest, 'He's the one who lost his charge and it's not like an alpha was kidnapped or anything. She just ran away, like she's been trying to do for the past 12 years.' 

No, he said with certainty, my instincts are telling me that you're wrong. She was taken and she is important. 

'Well, my instincts say that we're going to find her on a beach somewhere.' 

That's not your instincts. That's your laziness. Besides, better safe than sorry, right? You heard her record just like I did. If there's even the smallest chance that she fell into the hands of someone that means the kingdom harm, we need to get her back.  

'Who's going to mess with werewolves?' 

You may not remember this because you don't think about anything other than yourself, but there are other breeds of supernatural creatures. Most of them are weaker, some don't have the kinds of numbers we do, and some are just plain too peaceful to fight with us, but they do exist. In class once we heard about a werebat attack. A whole swarm of them attacked a mated couple who were having a picnic close to their house and lost track of time. They both died. Later of course the king of the werebats apologized profusely and offered to pay a large sum of money to the affected family. That's not my point. My point is that you are not the only supernatural creature capable of killing. Some of them want revenge too because we don't apologize when we kill one of them. 

'I did not know that my inner spirit was so boring,' I replied, 'should I see if I can find a wolf pocket protector? Do you think we would be able to attach one to this pack? I asked with sarcasm dripping from my voice. 'I thought you were worried about looking weak. Stop sounding like such a nerd.'

As you pointed out earlier, I'm your inner spirit. If I'm a nerd, that means that you're a nerd at heart. 

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