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"Well that's a sight for sore eyes," I mumbled uncertainly as I looked down at the lights.

I was standing on a small cliff that over looked the lake that sat between us and the town of Birdsong. I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to stay in Birdsong long, there weren't many lights, but I was hoping that we might be able to find work and hopefully lodging for a couple days. If we were lucky there would be someone who needed extra help permanently. Hopefully, there would be someone who doesn't ask where we came from or how we got here. 

"We'll make camp here tonight," I said to Snapdragon and the boys before getting off of Eros and going over to Arsen to get the last of the food that he had been carrying. 

I looked at the small amount of dried fruit and beef jerky. 

"Arsen and Armaros," I said remembering the massive amounts of food that it took to feed my boys, "You two are going hunting. If you can find anything for Snaplet, that would be useful as well. Get meat first, but watch for fairy food and gather it after you have the meat. Snaplet, same routine as usual. Get rid of our tracks and all traces of our scent. You have the markers right," when Snapdragon nodded I turned back to the twins, "Don't catch anything with the markers."

"I don't know why you insist on making deals with the animals. They would do it just because she's a fairy and fairies take care of the forest," Arsen said as he shifted to pull his pack off.

"What do fairies usually do for the forest?"

"They help move seeds, help heal animals, they make sure fertilizer is spread out beneath trees... lots of stuff really... They just help the forest," Armaros said as he threw his pack to the side.

"Should we have you stay in the forest?" I asked Snapdragon with mild concern.

"No, you should just have a garden. I can play in a garden."

"I''ll try, if nothing else we can get a potted plant. Eros, I need you to start a fire and get some water on to boil. it shouldn't take the twins long to bring back dinner. Do we still have spaghetti noodles and that weird sauce that you just add water to?"

"Yes, Alpha Lady. It's in Armaros's pack. I'll start cooking it now." Eros said as he changed into his human form as well.

"Don't start on the sauce yet. Wait until the twins get back with the meat."

"Of course Alpha Lady," Eros replied with a slightly mischievous glance in my direction, "and what will you be doing in your free time?"

"I'm going to go down to the lake and try to get cleaned up. I can't look like I spent the last four days running around the forest. I'm going to have everyone take baths tonight, but I figured it would be better if I fed you first."

Eros walked over to the cliff and looked at the lake and the small path that lead to it.

"I'll carry you down," he said with a slight frown, "Did anyone remember soap?"

"Everything I need is in the middle section of Armaros's pack," I replied walking carefully over to the bulky center pack and unsnapping the buckles that held it to the rest of the pack.

As soon as I had it in my hands Eros scooped me up into his arms and started jogging toward the path.

"My leg doesn't really hurt as much as it did before," I said looking up at Eros. 

"But you're still a little clumsy with it," he said, glancing down at my face briefly, "I don't want you hurting yourself more trying to take a bath."

"I wouldn't."

"Or going on the tiny path leading down to the lake."

I shrugged, knowing that he had logic on his side, even though I knew I'd done worse trying to get away. The small path leading down to the lake was nothing compared to the lack of a path on most of my great escapes.

Run, Run, Run, As Fast As You CanWhere stories live. Discover now