Little one

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I finished chopping up the tomatoes and started working on the onions and mushrooms, throwing the onions and mushrooms into the pan to saute them when I was done. Then I started to grate the cheese into one bowl. When that was done I added it to the mixture of other ingredients that would become the sauce.After that I proceeded to crack two dozen egged into a bowl and beet them so that they would be light and fluffy, taking small breaks to stir the two things I had on the stove. By the time I was done with that the mushrooms and onions were done cooking, so I put them on the back burner and pulled out another frying pan. I poured some of the egg mixture into the pan and put salt and basil over the top. 

The smell of cooking eggs filled the room and I was sure that it was making its way through the house, alerting the boys to the fact that breakfast was almost ready. 

As predicted there were footsteps on the stairs a few minutes later. 

Ignoring them, I scooped up some of the mushrooms and onions and sprinkled them over the cooking eggs, the tomatoes were soon to follow, filling the air with an even better smell. I smiled slightly as I got a plate out of the cupboard and put the omelet on it. It was almost perfect, the only thing it needed now was the cheese sauce. Carefully, I drizzled it over my creation and set it to the side before putting all the pans except the one I'd made the omelet in on the counter and pulling out more so that I could make more than one at a time. 

I started to hum to myself as I poured some of the eggs into each of the pans and put more of the salt and basil on each of the omelets. 

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and the person who owned them set his head on my shoulder, "Do you need any help."

The small smile that was on my face changed to a smirk as I turned around in Eros's arms, "You're just being a suck-up," I accused him as I stepped out of his embrace. 

"Maybe," he said, looking at me with a slight twinkle in his purple eyes, "but I think I need all the help I can get at the moment." 

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't think that offering to help make breakfast is going to change anything." 

"Change things, no, but it might help me convince you to go on a run with me after breakfast. I know..."

"Did I hear someone say we're going on a run after breakfast?" Arsen said sticking his head through the doorway to the kitchen, "Count me in."

"Me too," Armarose added, following his brother into the room with Snapdragon on his shoulder. 

"That's not..." Eros started to protest. 

"No," I said cutting him off, "that sounds like a good idea. It's been too long since we've all gone together, and we're all off today so we might as well." 

Eros's expression seemed to fall a fraction of an inch with my words. 

I turned back to the cooking food to finish preparing it and getting it on the plates. For Snapdragon I took some of the uncooked mushrooms and put them on a plate with a few strawberries and grapes. 

When I was done I took the plates to the table and gave everyone their food before taking mine. 

Breakfast passed quickly and soon enough I found myself waiting for my boys to come out from behind the trees they'd decided to change behind. We had to walk awhile before we all felt that it was safe for them to change and I was starting to feel excited. It really had been too long since I'd gone running with my boys. Even if I didn't do any of the actual running it was exhilarating to feel the wind on my face and watch the trees flash past, just inches from my legs. 

Run, Run, Run, As Fast As You CanWhere stories live. Discover now