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Eros's POV 

Exactly three days and twelve hours after I'd left Rosie's dad I was sitting outside the SMH, waiting to see what happens when you inform an angry adult phoenix where his child is. 

I think I know what his plan is, my wolf said. 

'Phionxes are the undisputed masters of battle plans and strategy. What makes you think you can guess what he's going to do?' I asked with doubt. 

There are only a few plans that would involve bringing three adult dragons with. The only one I can think of would be completely destroying the SMH. 

'Three full grown dragons?' I asked. 

Can't you hear them? Of course you can hear them, I can hear them. Don't you recognize the sound? 

'N...' I started to answer before the sound got louder and three dragons following the surprisingly big phoenix came into view.

It was hard to see much of the trio in the dark and from below, but what I could see made me wonder why anyone ever thought it was a good idea to go after dragon babies. The center one was a brilliant gold color that flashed with light from the phoenix's blazing feathers every time it beet its massive wings. It was flanked by a red one on the right and an orange one on the left. The gold one was by far the biggest, dwarfing even the phoenix it was flying behind. I'd seen Rosie's dad up close while he was a phoenix, I couldn't imagine how big his companions were. The red dragon brought a whole new meaning to the word terrifying. His claws were visible even with the less than ideal conditions. They seemed to have a metal covering of some sort, it could have just been a play of lights on white claws, but they reflected the light coming off the phoenix instead of absorbing it how the other two's did. In both the red dragon and the orange one I could see rippling muscle, made more obvious by the harsh shadows generated by their fierce leader.

The phoenix let out screech and as one the dragons behind him lifted their heads, letting out loud roars followed by long streams of fire. 

I think the color of the dragon determines the color of fire they produce, my wolf said thoughtfully, probably trying to combat the feeling of fear that had worked its way into my system, I recognize that red, yellow and orange are all colors that fire can be naturally but it seems odd that the red one only has red fire and the orange one only has orange fire.

Rosie's dad gave one more command to the dragons before dropping out of the sky and landing in front of me, instantly changing back into his human form. 

The dragonlets fell off his back and landed behind him, shaking their heads as they got to their feet.

What happened to not bringing innocent dragon kits on dangerous missions? My wolf scoffed.

'I think he just wanted to punch us,' I replied before focusing on the man in front of me.

Amazingly he was dressed in the same thing he'd been wearing the last time I'd seen him, a tight black sweater and jeans. I had though that his clothes were destroyed when he changed, apparently phoenixes got special consideration as far as the whole clothes thing goes. 

"You're late," I said referring to the extra twelve hours.

"I decided last minute to call in a favor from a witch. It would be a shame if my friends gave an innocent human a heart attack."

What kind of witch does he know? It's quite a feat to hide a group of dragons as they rip apart a building.

'We probably don't want to know,' I answered.

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