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Eros' POV

Three days had gone by. Three days of chasing the pull. Three days of chasing... I don't know what, maybe Rosie, maybe a wild goose. 

I think the only things we really know are that there is a reason mated couples don't come on hunts like this, and the pull is getting stronger. We must be closer to the source.

'I can't disagree with you on that first point. Alicia... let's not talk about her,' I said, shuddering just thinking about it, 'Oh, and you're right about the pull. I'm starting to find it difficult to stop at nights. A certain someone, keeps whining when I do. You know that we can't keep pushing the men like we have been, right? They're going collapse on us if we try.'

I know. It's just hard to resist the call even for things as important as food, water and making sure people aren't going to die on us.

'Well, we need to be better about it or  we'll be labeled a tyrant.'

Says the guy who made us all get up at five in the morning so we could get going.

'Because you insisted that it was an okay time to go!'

Just sayin', you could have waited until the sun came up.

'You wouldn't...'


'No, it was you...'

No, shush... I need to concentrate. 

I waited a second, trying to figure out what my wolf was getting at.


Can you feel it? It's changed. The source of the pull. It's not coming from the same direction.

I could feel my wolf start to adjust his course to make up for the shift in the direction of the pull. He started to run faster as well, his instinct to chase kicking into overdrive.

'What are you doing? We need to stop and tell the others what's going on.'

No we don't. We are alpha they will follow us regardless. We need to catch... he trailed off and kept running.

Suddenly, my wolf skidded to a stop and dove to the side, just as Falcon flew over the spot where we would have been.

We're losing time. Must chase...

'No stop! We need to tell him what happened. We need to tell him that the pull is coming from a different direction.'

Need to chase pull.

'Let me have control. I will explain then we can chase.'

Need to go. He's in my way.

My wolf was officially off his rocker.

I started to try and steal control from him, but rage and panic generally worked in favor of the animal and he had a potent mixture of the two coursing through him.

There was nothing I could do. I had to sit in the backseat as he started to circle Falcon.

Falcon shifted back into his human form and held his hands up, "Calm down Prince. I just want to know what's going on. Why did we change directions?"

My wolf snapped at him and he dodged.

I kept straining against my wolf's control, but I was held firmly in place.

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