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  • Dedicated to My Dad

Eros's POV

Nerves started to creep in when I sat looking at the canopy of the massive weeping willow. 

My wolf stepped forward cautiously even though we could smell that there was no one hiding behind the icy curtain of branches 

These  are not the circumstances that I ever wanted to meet my match's parents under, he whined as we pushed through the drooping branches.

'It's okay,' I encouraged, 'he's been wanting to rescue her for years now.'

And the first thing he's going to know about us is that we can't protect her at all.  

'That's not true,' I said wincing, 'the first thing he's going to know about us is that we were the reason his little girl was taken away from him.'

The little dragons seemed to sense our hesitation and picked up their paws slowly, creeping up to the base of the tree as if it were going to eat them. 

I wasn't sure what time it was, it could be eleven in the  morning or two in the afternoon, I didn't know. So, when I got to the base of the massive weeping willow, I  dropped the backpack in front of me and laid down, preparing to wait. The dragonlets didn't seem to have a problem with that, they curled up beside me, with small yawns. 

They haven't been sleeping enough. Kids need more sleep than adults and we've been running for hours everyday. 

'It probably doesn't help that we didn't always stop for lunch,' I replied with an internal wince. 

The little green dragon started snoring as she slept on my back. 

I think they made up for that with the bear, he said, bringing up a picture of the dragonlets eating a full sized grizzly bear a few days ago. 

'How did they even kill that?' I asked. 

Those claws are sharper than we think and most of the fur was seared off of the bear. They burned it to death. 

'We may need to teach them how to hunt humanely after we get Rosie back.' 

They're not humans, though. Dragons often kill their prey by roasting it. 

'That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to teach them about not putting their prey through massive amounts of pain. If nothing else we can teach them to  kill it quickly using fire.' 

How are we supposed to teach them to kill prey quickly using fire? We don't breathe fire, we can't teach them anything about it. 

'We'll think of something,' I replied feeling myself start to get sleepy

I put my head on my paws and just felt myself starting to drift off to sleep when the sound of footsteps in the snow reached my ears. 

He's here, my wolf said with a hint of warning in his mental voice.

My ears perked up, and I started to nudge the baby dragons behind me, just in case it wasn't really Rosie's dad. 

The branches in front of me started to shift, moving aside for someone in a black trench coat. 

There was no doubt in my mind that the man in front of me was Rosie's dad. He had the same shocking red hair and piercing green eyes. His facial features had the same sharpness that Rosie's did, a pointed nose and sharp chin with high cheek bones. He had the same small bone structure as Rosie too, he was just a little taller. His mouth was thinner than her's and his eyes weren't as big, but this was definitely Rosie's dad. 

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