the sore thumbs

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all my friends have something out there from them, something that theyre good at, something that makes them unique in their own way.

me, as on the other hand, dont stick out quite like they do. I cant play a instrument in a way that moves people, i cant do art that puts people in awe, i cant dance or sing. 

So what am i.... who am I? 

What talent or trait do i posses that makes me different than others? What do i have to offer that makes me interesting?

"dont worry about it" they say, "youll be fine, its not like it affects your future anyway." they say.

Little do they know that it does. What if i cant find someone who has interest in me, being the one who has nothing interesting about them. What will i do when it comes to picking a college course, im not good at much other than procrastinating.

Will i just have to flip a coin to figure out what courses i should take, what job should i get? What if i get a job that Im not happy with? But then again there is no job that i cam be happy with considering im not good at much and have nothing special inside me that determines my choices.

So now here I am, sitting here, contemplating what could possibly become of my life. A life where I am nothing but a dull, empty, plain soul, with nothing to suffice.

My friends and family call me paranoid, that I'll find what makes me special some day. But that someday is probably-no, most likely- the day I become nothing but a vessel six feet underground....


A/N yeah, depessing chapter but this is just a excistential crisis that runs through my head almost all the time.

stay lovely and dont die :P

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