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So, I'm a hardcore bisexual. So when People ask about my sexuality or ask why I'm dating a girl I just say I'm bisexual.

Now, some of you may be wondering why tf I'm writing about this, it's because of the reactions I get when I come out to people.So, when I come out to people I usually expect the typical 'ummm, OK then....*scoots away awkwardly thinking that I suddenly have a crush on them even when I don't*' orrr 'Oh, that's cool, I'm happy for you.' But now way in HELL do I expect girls to be freaking out (in a good way) and smiling.

Like, apparently being something other than straight is worth fangirling tf out on???

Like, the most recent it's happened to me is when I was walking home from summer school with my friend Anthony and these girls asked us if we were dating, so to get them off our backs Anthony just said that I was a lesbian.

The girls just looked at me quizzically for a while and asked if it was true and I corrected them saying I'm bisexual. The ask what it meant and I explained that I like both guys and girls.

They just start freaking out on me jumping around, yelling, and smiling at each other and I'm just like, 'Damn the hoes sniffed a shit ton of crack' but I srsly have no idea why people do this.

Can someone please explain why this happens to me.

Anyways, stay lovely😘

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