Black Lace [15+]

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Caution - Contains sexual terms and acts. Do not read if uncomfortable.

~~ Black Lace ~~

She looked at herself in the mirror and pondered. No, she couldn't walk out wearing a polka dotted pajama shorts and a T-shirt which hung so loosely to her body that it looked like that she'd bought it from the men's corner. To be honest, she actually had. Two summers back, it had been the best option she was given, and she gladly took it. She could swear she had three such more shirts which had been picked from the men's corner.

She needed to do some justice to her curves, at least for the night.

Scurrying through many of her outfits, she chose the one she rarely wore. A simple black single piece, which had net work on the shoulders, and even though it was turtle necked, the net showed a tiny hint of her cleavage. There were two net stripes that ran through her waist, showing off the tanned complexion, as well as her navel. The dress wasn't too short, but fell a few good inches just above her knee. All in all, she looked sexy, and she felt confident.

"And what more?" She asked to herself, as she dabbed a tiny bit of powder, and lined her eyes with kohl. She was trying to make an impression, and she would make this one last. "Maybe a bit of stuff." She mumbled.

Taking out a pair of sleek black earrings, she took out a silver chain, with a huge black gemstone, which was long enough to end just above her navel. With one stoke of pink on her lips, she was done.

Wearing her platform heels, she grabbed her purse and walked out from her apartment.

Stares were inevitable as she walked out in the late evening, but it was a mere 3 minutes walk to get to his place.

As she waited for him to open the door, she gauged what his expression could be.

"Oh, hey Yud..Yudhita..." He trailed off, as he opened the door, and gulped visibly at her appearance. She looked like a birthday present, tied up with a black laced ribbon.

"Like what you see?" She winked at him, and traced a finger from his cheeks to down his chest, and down to his torso, and just stopped above his belt. She could feel the slight rummage of his skin under beneath her touch, and she inwardly sighed. This was just exciting her hormones a notch more than they already were.

"A lot." He whispered, and pressed himself closer, holding her by waist.

Taking the chance, she whisked her foot to push the door with her heels, and they clicked shut at the auto lock. The things the sight of this man did to her, sigh. His hair was longer than the usual, and fell over his brows, his eyes glittered, and had clouded up with lust a bit more than the usual sexual tension. She could practically feel the goosebumps rising on her own skin, and the shiver that ran down her senses, as he drew lazy circles on her spine with that magical forefinger of his. She knew what more those fingers could do, and she was too energized to be thinking about anything else.

His khaki pants, and that light blue shirt just allured her more.

"You think you should be dressed that much?" She looked up at him in the eye, and started playing with the first button of his shirt. Before they could even guess, three of them had already been undone. The smattering of chest hair peeking from beneath.

"I think you just got a bit...spiked up today." He whispered, playing with her hair, while his other hand was busy whisking her away towards the room.

"I love being spiked up for you...babe." She whispered slowly into his ears, biting his lobe a little with a graze of her teeth, making his belly clench. It felt like all his blood was rushing south, it was going way over suppression. He was not going to suppress it either. But he was going to make this slow. Slow and worthy; teasing her endlessly.

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