Dear Baby

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Date: 26/08/1998

Dear Baby,

I can feel you kicking inside me as I write these first words of this letter. Do you see the date? You are supposed to be born in exactly two weeks and two days from now. I want you to read this on your 18th birthday. The year when you finally become an adult, and I will be proud of my baby. It doesn't matter what you choose in your life until it's respectable enough for you, I don't care what others would say.

You know, your father is looking at me with a little smile on his face, trying to listen to you. I don't want him to do that yet... like, I'm doing an important thing here! I want my baby to read this, years later. I can bet he is so eager to read this.

But no, this is a secret between me and you. Hush. *winks*

I met your Dad one day, while we were on the Beach. It was a pretty place and it was nearly past dusk then. He was wandering about, to be very honest. Me? I was devouring my favourite ice-cream. You would know it by now, it's Strawberry Cheesecake. Also, I pity you if you like Cream and Cookie like your father does rather than my favourite flavour.

Okay, so I was saying...

We met there for the first time while I was there for a month-long vacation. Your grandparents had sent me. Your Dad was there mostly for work.

We started talking, fell in love.

Love doesn't come the easy way, my baby. It's always hard. Harder than you can ever think it is. I and your Dad were not exactly young but we weren't in our thirties either. So rest assured, your parents aren't old bullies yet. I don't want you to think of me that way, ever.

And now he begins to tickle on my side, so pardon the scribble in my handwriting. You know that your mother's handwriting isn't that bad, don't you?

Ah! That's my baby! I know you understand mommy the best!

There you go... kicking me again. It hurts sometimes you know?

Life is very uncertain. I never know if I'd be there seeing your turning 18 or not. If I am not there, then don't worry, Daddy's gonna take good care of you. He loves you. He has waited for you for years now. 3 years to be exact, and now the eight-month of the fourth year.

Me and your Dad, have had fights about your existence since we have got married. I wasn't ready for you yet. I was scared baby, so very scared. Your Grandma? Do you know her? She was a very abusive lady and my Daddy wasn't a superhero like yours. My Daddy was a powerless baker, who worked hard to earn money. He had no power against your Grandma, and thus I didn't grow up with a decent mother.

I didn't want you to have a mother like mine; they say you become a mother as your mother has been to you.

Do you understand why I was scared, baby?

Your Daddy, he is amazing though. He was always so sure that I was going to be a good mother. I hope I will become one because I am sure he is going to be an amazing (and dotting) father to you and your siblings.

Yes, I had planned for you to have siblings.

Your Dad wanted a football team, but hey! I run out on stamina very easily, so yes, three of you would be enough for now.

At this moment, now that you are standing on the threshold of starting a new life as an adult, as a person with your own opinions to live, a dream that you behold, I want you to know that life ahead will not be easy. I hope I became a better mother than what my mother was to me. I hope I never beat you black and blue, because I know the pain of busted lips and paining sores.

I hope your Daddy isn't a weak man, because to me he was always my superhero; don't take it in a literal sense because no, he doesn't have a cape and he doesn't fly or change into tacky costumes when you are not around.

Life is going to be hard and bulk of obstacles are going to come. I want you to face them bravely, and think of this moment... Imagine me, half lying on the bed, with the writing pad in my hand while your Dad lies on my baby bump trying to listen to you inside. I want you to think of this moment because I wouldn't be able to give you the warmth of this exact moment, but I do feel it. It is something unforgettable for me which I want to pass down to you.

Loads of Love,
Loads of Kisses,

Yours, Momma. 

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