The Paper Chits

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~~ The paper chits ~~

Weird, weird, weird, I kept repeating the words over again over again.

Our teacher was so weird, and I couldn't fathom what made him the way he is. His name was even more weird, Bibhuti Chandan Goswami. I mean, who has that kind of name in the 21st Century? He was almost sixty, nearing his retirement, but man the man was a strict person. In Kolkata, there are only a few people who are like him, and teachers like him are... nut-cases.

I had hoped that in senior school, we'd have friendly teachers to teach us. In the name of friendly teachers, we had got Mr Bibhuti Chandan Goswami. Huh! He was not even good at teaching. No pun intended, but the man had the knowledge, but not the knowledge about how to spread knowledge.

I hope that makes sense.

"Nirsha... shh..." The guy beside me, one of our classmates named Parth called me. I looked at him with an upped brow.

"What?" I whispered back. If BCG, the short for Bibhuti Chandan Goswami, saw anyone talking, he would start asking us questions. He was teaching a chapter on energy and matter.

"Can you understand anything he is saying? Ami kichu bujhte parchi na." (I can't understand anything)

"Amake dekhe mone hocche ami bujhte parchi?" (Do I look like I can understand?) I cocked my brow, and he chuckled slightly, as we tried to take notes.

Parth looked at me again, and I gave him the mischievous wink again, to which he chuckled again. We were like that. I wasn't very close to him, but we'd been classmates for over six years now. School life was like that, and now in twelfth, I did not understand why we should've kept our ego issues all this while.

I'll tell you, life isn't a joke. So live it on your own will. Ignore the people who annoy you, talk to the people you miss. Give some random person a small smile, if you have interacted at least once. That way, you live life to your fullest, without being completely selfless.

The theories of matter and energy were something we'd been learning from when we were kids.

"Everything is made up of matter and Energy." Said our teacher.

Finally, I understood one word! One line of what he was trying to explain! I'm not a dumb-head, but you could ask anyone from the class and they'd either say, "Ami ektu ektu bujhi" (I understand little-little) or they would say, "Ke bojhe? (Who understands?) I want to touch his feet!"

There is no in the middle when it comes to BCG sir.

I was sitting there, with the back of the pen in my mouth, held between my teeth. No, I hated sucking or chewing pens, but it was my nature to at least hold the pen between my teeth as support. I tried to understand what he was trying to speak. It wasn't like I did not understand English, but Sir had a weird pronunciation as well. I have tried, my god, I have tried to understand it over and over again, but we all have either failed miserably or throughout the time he'd been teaching us we've kind of got to understand what means what.

"Isse accha toh hum khud aapke aap ko padha lete hai."(We can teach ourselves better than this.) Sara, a girl whose grandparents had actually belonged from Bihar, commented while I chuckled. In Bengal, we call all other people who are not Bengalis as Non-Bengali. It doesn't even matter who belongs from where it's just everyone is Non-Bengali. It's even weird when some so-called 'non-Bengali' has the second language as Bengali in the school, and yet we call him or her 'Non-Bengali'.

This has been in debate for a long time.

"Sahi boli yaar, (So true, dude)." I whispered back to Sara, who nodded at me.

Someone elbowed me, and I saw Aniket giving me a smirk. There was a paper chit in his hand. I frowned.

While Parth was sitting beside me, Aniket was sitting behind me, and Sara was sitting beside him.

"Ota kar jonno?" (That's for whom?) I asked Aniket, after two minutes as I grabbed the chit from him, while Sir turned to the board drawing a diagram for something. I wasn't even concentrating, and looking around it did not seem like most people were. Many of them were even solving Physics questions from the JEE-Advanced Question Bank!

"Tor." (Your) He smirked.

I was taken aback for a moment. So that was what they had been passing through the class for the last two minutes? That's strange. I looked at the only person who could have dared to send it to me. While I was on the third bench, he was sitting on the second last of the adjacent row. I could easily see him if I just twisted my back a little towards the right and looked at him.

"Open it." Deborishi mouthed, while my cheeks heated up a notch. He was so...cute? He was sassy and sarcastic and had this huge ego. But he was well-spoken.

'Your new name is Matter and Energy. For me, you are everything."

My eyes became a bit teary, and I took in a deep breath and looked back at him. He was looking at me with adoration and something else which I couldn't name. I had never called it love between us. I didn't think we were old enough to call it love. Being 17, could it be really predicted if we were meant to be or not? I did not know. All I knew, that he meant so much. So damn much than what I'd felt for just a friend in all these years we've been in school.

"I love my new name." I said, and the smile that brightened up his face could only mean he understood what I said, "Me too."

Well, not everything always ends well.

"Nirsha, Deborishi, what are you all talking about from one side of the class to another?" My cheeks grew warmer, as we both stood up looking at Sir.

"Sir..." I was about to speak.

"Sir, how Matter and Energy make up everything in life." He said smugly, and the whole class, which was already giggling since their so-called 'love-birds' were caught, burst out into fits of laughter.

"Eto boro hoye gecho? Bah!" (You've grown up so much? Wow!) Sir said, sarcastically, "Ebar dujone class er baire jao." (Now both of you go out of the class)

"Haan, Sir." I huffed, and got away from my seat, while he walked from his seat as well, and we walked out of the class.

"It's the paper chit's fault!" I rolled my eyes at him, while we stood outside the class as if we were walking to the fashion parade in ten minutes.

"Nah, its sir's fault." He said, grinning.


"Because he introduced Matter and Energy in my life." He shrugged.

I blushed a little and giggled.

A/N: Posting rather old random stuff. A typical classroom scene of Indian schools. 

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