Someone Else

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~~ Someone Else ~~

I smiled as I looked at him. He had changed. A lot, in fact. It was hard for me to actually see him as someone different when we had practically grown up together. Being apart for years, from when he was in boarding school had been a separation for a while, but that did not matter. It hadn't mattered because of the fact that our friendship had remained the same over all those years. Starting from kids, to adolescence and then adulthood.

Moreover, he was my childhood best friend. Also, my first crush. I chuckled at the thought.

As he got down from the car, in his usual office uniform and checked out something on his phone, I looked at him and smiled. He noticed me and looked at my direction. I was also returning back from work. He frowned at me a bit, as if asking me why I was here at this time since it was not my usual time of return; I mumbled a small word to him, 'meeting'. He caught on the word instantly, and then nodded in understanding. It was one of those casual moments we shared. Ones which could not be replaced by anything or any one else.

I had understood in all these years that it should've been more awkward than that between us. It should have been, though, it was not. It was fairly easy after a couple of years. We had both understood that our interests lied the best at that. He was mature enough, and so was I. Well, I suppose I believe we were mature enough. The case could have been that we had gotten over and not reacted because at that moment we had no idea about the reaction one should have had.

Some must be thinking what I was talking about. Well, being childhood friends and him being my crush had never been an unknown fact to him. I never openly showed it, but it was understandable enough. Seemed like, that that time, he liked me back. That was when he proposed me. He wanted to spent the rest of his life with me and even though you might say that spending a life with one's best friend must be the best feeling ever, I was not ready.

Yes, he was my crush. Yes, he was my best friend. Yes, we had grown up together. But no, I was not ready to be in a relationship with him. No, I could not just marry him.

Because... I was already falling for someone else.

That was a couple of years back.

Now, I looked at him beside me, he said he would just walk me home. It was our usual way of having small talk because time had made us so busy for long chats on daily basis. I remembered those evenings I had spent at his place as we munched on chips his mother had made and talked of nothing in particular for hours, and of those days when we bared our souls and life to each other.

We talked about random things today, when I remembered how after the rejection we had not talked one-on-one with each other for almost two years. It had been awkward. I had been truthful to him, and he had thought I had been playing with his feelings. It needed one confrontation, and another few months to finally settle those feelings together. After all, I did actually have feelings for him which were not actually that strong anymore. They were strong, and I still loved him, but it was more like a best friend than anyone else. He was my best friend and no matter what life would be incomplete without him.

I have understood this, in all this while that your first guy best friend, or best guy friend would always be someone you look up to. Until and unless some major rift occurred, maybe it came naturally. Because he would understand you more than anyone else.

I looked at him and thought, how he was exactly the person I was looking for. Like, he had those looks, and his tanned skin did perfection to his bright smile and dark hair that fell over his forehead. His eyes were mostly happy or amused. He never had ego issues. He was crazy for bikes, and moreover he loved kids. He was everything I was actually looking for in a guy. From the way he always let me use his obnoxious over budget phone, to the way he even let me pay for his drinks when he was more affluent than me. Everything. He even had the same aura that I actually had wanted in someone.

Yet, I was falling for someone else.

I had fell for that someone else long ago. There was no going back from there.

"You look happy." He finally said, as we stood beside my house. His house was a lane before mine's. I could see his house's terrace from mine once when we were kids, but now the huge trees blocked the view.

"I am." I nodded at him.

"That's good. Mom will be coming over by the way. I got news!" He grinned, winking at me playfully. He knew that I knew, and yet I decided to play along.

"And so I hear you are getting married." I chuckled.

"Well, I just hope our wedding dates don't fall together," He shook his head, "I want to be there throughout yours."

"Good thing, cause I want the same." I looked at the ring on my finger. It was my engagement ring, and it had been there for a few months now. I was in no hurry to get married with my someone else.

"See ya!" He bid as we walked back towards his house.

It was absurd, how he had the same qualities that I had always wanted, while the guy I was getting hitched to, was almost the exact opposite. The only thing that matched about them was maybe their sense of humor but nothing else. I was not sure about my someone else's charm, but I had no doubt that he absolutely had something in him.

I never quite found out what pulled me towards the other guy. I had always, since childhood liked the guy who was now walking away from me, and I had rejected him. He had found his someone else, and I had found mine.

He would always be there for me though, because we shared some history, and we would share each other's life, still. Our lives were intermingled in inseparable ways, yet it wasn't the same of what we'd thought of once. We would always belong together somewhere.

Even though we belonged to someone else.


A tale where love is friendship and friendship is impenetrable.


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