Prepare for what you seek

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This happen,suddenly
I am in a valley
I hear someone cry,he isn't fine
I realise,this in the head of mine

I track the sound by running
Where is he hiding
Every step echoes on this cobblestone
While I get closer it feel like home

I see him alone,sitting
Looking towards the ocean,crying
As I get closer,legs are heavy as a mountain
But I hear,he is crying like a fountain

He look at me,jumps and hugs
It was me,myself,a version that I avoid
Tears I didn't let go,made floods
In the gap of my soul,made by an asteroid

He cries and hugs me strong
The only who understands what's wrong
My heart shakes so do my hands
My legs can't move,the pity expands

He is crying in what I didn't cry out
The love,pride,pity,doubt
What can help this crack
So I hugged and I tap my own back

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