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I woke up to the sound of unnies alarm I covered my ears with my pillow then I felt someone jump on top of me

"Get up lazy butt"

"But unnie I'm sleepy" I whined

"You can sleep once we get to their dorm aka your new home" she started smacking me with my pillow

"Okay! I'm up!" I said and took the pillow out of her hand

She went inside the bathroom and showered I sat on my bed still half asleep then their was a knock on the door

"What do you want" I said when I opened the door

"I see your not a morning person" I saw Joshua in his Pjs

"Oh I forgot you spoke English and sorry do you need anything Josh?"

"Well I was here to tell you that were all gonna meet up in the lobby then eat breakfast"

"Okay I'll tell unnie when's she's done and sorry again"

"It's alright sleepy head see you later" I closed the door and waited for unnie to be done

I heard the bathroom open and unnie came out in pants and a blouse

"Who was at the door?" She asked while drying her hair

"Joshua he said that were all going to meet up in the lobby and then eat breakfast" she nodded and I went and showered

I wore my joggers and a crop top then a jacket

"Do you have anything else besides joggers and jeans?"

"Nope! My clothes my style" I said and stuck my tongue out

"You need to be a little more girly Nari"

"Yah don't call me Nari around the guys okay especially Vernon"

"Okay but you know-"I cut her off

"Yeah I know their going to have to know who I really am but just not now it's too soon"

"Take all the time you need. Now let's get going"

I grabbed my bag and we went to the lobby and saw the others sitting around

Once they saw us we all got in our cars and headed to a breakfast diner

"Andrea noona come sit with me!" Dino said while clinging onto my arm

"Okay" the both of us sat down while Dino was on my left Joshua was on my right

"What do you want sleepy head" he asked

"Is that my new nickname now?" I said and looked at him

"For now yes" we laughed

"You speak English?" -Woozi

"Yup!" I said with a smile

"Your English very well?"-DK

"I English very well more than you!"- Mingyu

I could help but laugh at their broken English

"Both of your English is very good" I said to the both of them

"But mine is best quality" Seungkwan added

"Nope it's low quality" -Vernon

"Okay enough English now"-Jeonghan

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now