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It's been a few weeks since the talent show and they boys including me and unnie have been really busy.

"Andrea go take a break I'll finish it up" Unnie said and took the fabric from my hands

"Are you sure? I can finish it" she nodded and pushed me out of the room

I walked to the guys practice room and took a peek they've been dancing for the past 2 hours. I decide not to bother them

I should go for a walk... I went back to the room where Unnie was and told her so she wouldn't freak out and send a search team

"Unnie! I'm gonna go for a walk" before I could leave she handed me some emergency money just in case I get hungry

I left the building and started walking to who knows where. I ended up walking to a little forest with bridge

 I ended up walking to a little forest with bridge

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"Wow..." It looks really beautiful if I was still in school I would want my senior picture and prom picture taken here

I walked over to the bridge and looked over the water. It was quiet and peaceful. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath

"Fancy seeing you here" I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook?

"Oh Jungkook oppa, what are you doing here?" He leaned against the edge of the bridge and I did the same

"I go here when I need to clear my head. How about you?"

"Eh decided to go on a little walk. Get some fresh air"  I replied while he nodded

"Andrea?" I turned my head and looked at him

"Never mind" he said and looked away

[Jungkook's Thoughts: no I can't tell her..you know she won't be able to return your feelings. It's probably best to forget those feelings.. Your and idol and she works for 13 guys she's bound to like one of them]

"Um Jungkook oppa are you okay?" He looks so serious

"Oh um yeah I'm alright just had something on my mind but it's okay now" he said and gave me a smile

"Liar. I know something's wrong but it's none of my business so I should force you to tell me. Anyway if you need someone to talk too you know where to find me" I said and looked at the water

[Jungkook's Thoughts : screw it I'm gonna tell her...at least I can still ask her to be friends with me]

"Andrea I need to tell you something" I looked at him and he took a deep breath

"I....like you" did he just confess to me? No wait. Did Jeon Jungkook say that he likes me?!

"You..like..me?" I asked and pointed at myself

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now