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{a few weeks later}

"But S.Coups oppa said I'm not allowed to leave the house by myslef" I said to Unnie who barged into my room a few minutes ago

"Yeah but he said at night your not allowed but it's the afternoon" she said

She's right he said at NIGHT I'm not allowed to leave the dorm by myself

"Okay...but why do you keep making me leave while I'm working?" I asked while she took the clothes from me

"You've worked hard ever since you started and I think you deserve a break. Go hang out with some of your friends or have some alone time"

"Okay if you say so..." She smiled and left my room

I changed into a simple outfit and grabbed my little backpack and placed my wallet and portable

Currently the boys are at practice so this was a perfect time to leave with out getting questioned

"I'm going now unnie! I'll try to buy you something" I yelled as I opened the door

"Arasso! Be careful! And don't put your phone on silent!" I walked out of the dorm and took a cab to the nearest mall

Once I arrived I paid the cab driver and started my little shopping spree

Eh I decided not to buy anything I already have a lot clothes and plus I didn't see anything that I liked

While I was walking I bumped into a person and fell on my bum

"Watch where your- oh it's you" I looked up and saw Hyemi with two other girls

I got up and brushed off the dust on my pants

"Well aren't you going to say sorry" one of the girls said

Okay these people are bad at making first impressions and knowing myself I hate people who think they're all that

"Why should I?" I said and crossed my arms

"Look who's all tough now is it because Vernon oppa isn't around to protect you" Hyemi said and flipped her hair

"Whatever I have other places to be" I said and tried to walk past them

"Ugh what do you want from me?!" Now I'm getting mad

"Simple. Stay away from Vernon oppa" she said and leaned her face close to mine

I pushed her head back with my finger and she gave me a look

"You did not just touch me!" She yelled causing people to look as they passed by

"Well I just did" this time I walked past them but next thing you know I was being dragged by her two friends

"What the! Let me go!" I yelled as they dragged me somewhere away from the mall

They brought me into a ally way then they threw me to the ground

"Wow what a cliché. You dragged me into a ally way now what's next are you going to beat me up?" I sarcastically said and got up

As I got up she grabbed my neck and pushed me up against the wall. What the..how is she that strong

"Listen here you little sh!t  I'm going to tell you this one last time. Stay away from my Vernon oppa!" And started to choke me

"He's....not...yours...and..will.......never...be" I managed to say she let go and I fell to the ground . I took in a deep breath and got up

Next thing you know she slapped me in the face not once...not twice..but a million times leaving scratch marks on my face

"Huh what are you going to do now Mrs. I'm tough and all" she said and grabbed my face

"Cmon say something!" I spit my blood on her face and she screamed

"You little!" Her two little friends started to kick me and I fell to the ground

"Not so tough now huh" one of them said

Slowly I'm getting eaten by fear and I'm no longer to be able to defend myself

"Now let's make you look like the piece of trash you are" Hyemi said

They stopped kicking me and stepped away. My white shirt was no longer white it was a mixture of brown and red.

I slowly got up then they pushed me up against the wall. I groaned in pain then I felt the air brush against my skin

I looked and saw that she was ripping my shirt along with my pant and 'accidentally' cutting my skin

"There now no one will bother to help and helpless person like you" she smiled and made a little cut on my face

"Oops" she said like she was innocent

"You...are..a..bit!h" I was able to say but I earned another slap from which send me flying to the ground

"I've had enough of you. Hopefully you learned your lesson, let's go girls" once they all left I started to cough up blood

I slowly got up and started to head home I know I should be going home looking this but I have no choice

The sun was setting so which means it was getting dark. I limped myself all the way back to the dorm since there were no more taxis out

While I was walking people were giving sympathetic looks yet non bothered to help me

Sumin's POV

"I said she's not allowed to leave the dorm unless she's with one of us!" Seungcheol said as he messed up his hair

"I know but you said at night. Plus I didn't know she was going to be out this late"

Gosh I'm the worst cousin in the world! My baby cousin is out missing and isn't answering my calls

"I hope noona is okay" -Dino

"Are you sure she brought her phone?" Jeonghan asked

I nodded and tried calling her again but still no answer

"She's...not answering" I started to feel scared then my tears slipped out of eyes

"I called Jungkook and he said she isn't  with him" Wonwoo said

I squatted down and covered my face and started crying. How am I going to explain to her mom that I lost Andrea. She's going to hate me so much

"Guys should we call the police?"-Woozi

"We can't it hasn't been 24 hours since she went missing " Joshua said

"Who cares! She's missing! And who knows what could of happened to her!" Vernon said and stood up

"Hansol you are no going out there to find her" Mingyu said

I couldn't help but cry even more I felt a pair of arms help me up and brought me to the couch

"Babe it's going to be alright. We're going to find her" Seungcheol said while he rubbed my back

"Okay that's it! I don't care what you say I'm going to find my best friend!" Vernon said and got up again

"I'm coming with you" Jun said and got up

"Anyone else want to come?" He asked and few of the boys stood up

"Okay we'll split up into our units. Performance you search around the area, Vocal you go check at the company, and us Hip hop plus Sumin will check the mall" Seungcheol said and they all stood up getting ready to find Nari

But once they stood up there was a knock on the door

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now