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Sumin's POV
Once I heard the door knock I quickly ran up to the door and swung it open

"Andr- Jungkook?" The door revealed Jungkook with the rest of BTS

"Um sorry if I wasn't the person you expected but have you guys found her?" He asked after I let them in

"Nope we were about to go out and find her" Wonwoo said

"We want to help" Suga said woah that boy can talk? Last time I saw him he didn't mutter a word

"Alright you guys can be one group you can go check places where you've been with Andrea" Seungcheol said

"I'll go with them!" I said

"Okay just be careful alight I don't want you to go missing too" Seungcheol said

I nodded and we all left the dorm

"Alright everybody keep your phones on okay call either one each other if you find Andrea" I said

They all nodded and started running off to the placed they were told to search at

"Alright now where would Andrea be?" Jhope said

After a long silence Jungkook started running

"Yah maknae!" We all started running behind him

We all ended up at a little forest with a bridge

"She can be anywhere look around the place" Jungkook said and we started searching

"Nari!" I yelled looking around

"What? who's Nari?" Jungkook asked the both of us were searching together

"It's her real name" I said and looked around the place

"But don't tell her I told you that" he nodded and we continued searching

Seventeen's POV

Performance: Jun's POV

"Hyung did you find her?" Dino asked

"Not yet keep searching!" Hoshi said and the two ran away

Me and Minghao went the other direction and checked at the park by the dorm.

"Andrea!" I yelled and searched around

"Moon JunHao!" Minghao yelled

"Park Nari!" This time I yelled I probably shouldn't be calling her that but I have no choice

"Who's Park Nari?"

"No time to explain let's check somewhere else kaja!" I said and started running somewhere

Vocal: Seungkwan's POV

Where in the kimbap is this girl? I know I shouldn't be sassy right now but cmon how do you get lost on the way home from the mall

"They said that they didn't see her come here" Joshua hyung said coming back from the building

"Let's check around the building" Woozi hyung said

We all started running around and I'm getting pretty tired but it's Andrea were talking about

"ANDREA WHOS BABY ARE YOU?!" Jeonghan hyung yelled

We all stopped and looked at him

"What? I thought it would work"

HipHop: Vernon's POV

"Excuse ma'am have you seen this girl?" I asked and showed her a picture of Andrea

She shook her head and walked away the mall was already closed so we had no choice but to look around the area

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now