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|at the fan meet. Friday|

"noona come on the fans to meet you" Dino whined as he tried to pull me into the stage

So the guys 'accidentally' told the fans that I was here and that I was one who styled them today which I did

"Chan~ah I don't want too" he gave up then walked away then all the sudden S.Coups and Mingyu came my way and the both dragged me onto the stage

"Everyone this our fabulous stylist!" Seungkwan introduced me

Oh my gosh there so many eyes looking at me

"Andrea unnie!"


"Omo she's so pretty!"

There were so many screams coming from the crowd I hid behind Mingyu

"Andrea why don't you talk to the fans while we sign autographs" Hoshi said the crowd started cheering then they handed me the microphone

"uhh annyeonghaseyo everyone is there any questions you want to ask me?" Man this feels really awkward

There were so many questions being thrown at me I couldn't tell which one to answer

"Uh can you all raise your hand I'll just call on you one by one arasso?" They all shouted ne and I let the q&a session start

My little q&a session ended shortly since time was running out. I got up from the edge of the stage and waved bye to the fans. Hopefully there won't be a lot of pictures on tumblr because the boys did a lot of interactions with me while I was talking

Like for example Jeonghan placed a headband on my head, Jun sat next to me and started clinging on me , and of course the gag trio made me dance to Catalina by Orange Carmel

|back at the dorm|

Nope I was wrong there were a bunch of pictures with me and the boys but at least they have something to remember me by once I leave tomorrow night

"Everyone come down!" I heard unnie yell

I walked out of my room and went downstairs we all sat in a circle in the living room

"Okay tomorrow I planned us fun day since tomorrow is Saturday and we have no schedule!" She looked at me and gave a wink

Ah I know what she meant...she wants my last day with them to be a fun one

"Now everyone head to bed and I'll tell you where we're going" we all nodded and went to our rooms

I placed my luggage inside my closet I'm not bringing that much clothes since I'm going to be staying at my old house while I'm there

"Andrea...?" I closed the closet and saw unnie

"You know why I did this right?" I nodded and she placed her hand on my shoulder

"I don't know how they will react Sunday morning after you leave but I'll try my best to cheer them up" she said

"For sure some of them are going to hate me but I can't blame them"

"They won't hate you. Your going back for a good reason alright now once you leave tomorrow at midnight I want you to text me once you left the dorm and when you arrived at the airport okay" I nodded and she pulled me into another hug

"Now go rest we have a fun day tomorrow" she left my room and I went to bed

|the next day: Saturday|

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now