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"I told you to go with them"

"And leave you here by yourself all sick and such? Na-uh plus I have some work to do"

Wonwoo whined and threw his pillow at luckily I dodged it before it could hit me

Normally I would be with the guys and do what I always do but last night Wonwoo got sent to the hospital and was diagnosed with acute gastritis.

"Fine fine but can I have some water?" I nodded and gave him some water

I sat at the desk that's in room and used their computer to finish up my work that my mom gave me to do

"Nari...I'm bored"


I turned and looked at him

"I'm bored..." I shook my head and dialed someone who can keep this boy company

-moments later-
"Hyung!! I'm here!" Jungkook came bursting through the door

"What are you doing here?" Wonwoo asked slowly sitting up

"Oh the things you asked me to buy are in the kitchen" Jungkook said and sat on the bed

I nodded and went back to work. The two Jeon brothers were messing around and started sharing random stuff

"Nari I'm hungry!" I nearly dropped my pen when Jungkook screamed

"Well lucky for you I'm done with my work so I'll start cooking now" I placed the binder back in my bag and went downstairs

"Jungkook! Be careful when you bring Wonwoo downstairs!" I yelled

Once I reached the kitchen I can hear the two yelling at one another I smiled and started cooking

"What are you cooking?" Jungkook asked while jumping around

"Calm down bunny. I'm cooking a  soup that one of my moms clients taught me"

"Oo that's cool let's see how this turns out" he clapped his hands and sat on top of the counter

After a whole hour of cooking the two Jeons were sitting at the table waiting

"Eat up and be careful its still hot"  I took my bowl and sat across from the two

While we were eating they turned on the tv to watch some shows

"Wahh look it's the boys!" Jungkook yelled

I turned around and saw that the others were performing

"Damn Nari your boyfriend has been going to gym lately" Wonwoo teased

I turned at him and gave him the 'wtf' look.

- later on -

"Come back here and love me!"

Currently I'm running away from Vernon because someone *cough* *cough* Wonwoo told Vernon that I thought he looked hot

"Gotcha! Now tell me that I look hot" I kept my head down and struggled to get out of his grip

"If you tell me that I'm hot I'll let you go" he whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine

'What the heck is this boy trying to seduce me?" I thought

Now thinking of sexual things of Vernon made me froze in place and I thought of all the possible things..

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now